Chocolate high-fiber bread

2023-10-29 21:22:36BREADS


  I was walking down the street with my friends, and I went to a bakery called Maize Hill, and I was very interested in the bread there, and I bought some bread, and I went back and tasted it, and I thought it tasted good, and I improved it, and I came up with this chocolate high-fiber bread, and I shared it with my friends who love food.



200 grams of almond flour
100 grams of whole wheat flour
25 grams of whole eggs
Sometimes 50 to 60 grams of chocolate.
Cocoa powder 9 grams
4 grams of yeast
110 grams of pure water
25 g of white sugar
30 grams of butter
Ripe black sesame in moderation
Cooked white sesame in moderation
A moderate amount of cooked wheat
A moderate amount of pumpkin seeds
Salt - 2 grams of flour
Moderate amounts of cooked peas

How TO MADE Chocolate high-fiber bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Except for the surface, the sesame seeds, the pumpkin seeds, and the other ingredients besides the butter are put into the bread machine, and the dough is mixed for 10 minutes and then the butter is added, and then it's converted into a dough function, and I use an ACA bread machine, so the dough is mixed for 30 minutes and then for an hour.

2. At the end of the shot, you can continue with the scrubbing function to scrub the bread with the exhaust for about 5 minutes.

3. The weight of the dough is divided into two equal parts.

4. Then use a toothpick to exhaust the dough, and there should be bubbles after the baking machine is finished.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After stirring, roll the dough into slices and squeeze the bottom.

6. This is what my volume looks like, and if you like other styles, you can adjust them yourself.

7. Mix all the black sesame seeds and pumpkins, and then roll the dough a few times on top so that all the smooth parts of the dough are covered.

8. Put the oil paper in the oven, the oil paper in the middle should be more appropriate, separate the dough! The oven develops the fermentation function 40 degrees. Please do the fermentation according to the function you find in the oven. Put a bowl of warm water at the bottom of the oven to keep the humidity, do the second fermentation for 40 minutes.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The fermented raw material is removed from the oven and the oven is preheated to 180 degrees, on and off for an average of 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

10. Baked bread is soft.

Handy cooking tips

  The baking machine and the oven that I use are the ones that I operate, so everyone does their best to follow the baking machine at home to finish the dough, basically it's 40 minutes, 1 hour! The dough is 40 degrees 40 minutes, some people have an oven fermentation temperature is high, so don't bother with your oven's self-fermentation function, no problem! The brand of the oven is different, so I can only say that the middle value of the oven I use is 180 degrees, please adjust yourself!