A simple and easy-to-learn bread

2023-10-29 21:22:44BREADS


  It's a simple bread, but it's also a person-to-person bread, with fresh colors and an enticing flavor that always touches the heart of the eater, and children especially love it, and it's definitely worth a try for a new baking mom.Sometimes the bread is baked the day before, and the next morning, all you have to do is fill it with a delicious quick breakfast.



250 grams of flour
45 grams of sugar
6 grams of yeast
48 grams of egg juice
90 grams of water
30 grams of butter
2 grams of salt
60 grams of ham
20 grams of corn
carrots and beans
Several salads

How TO MADE A simple and easy-to-learn bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. Pour high flour, salt, sugar, and yeast into the cooking machine, then pour into the egg yolk and water, stirring evenly at low speed.

2. Then stir at high speed until the dough is smooth, adding butter until the dough is fully expanded.

3. The beaten dough is divided into an average of six pieces, rolled round, covered with a protective film and loosened for 10-15 minutes.

4. The dough is then kneaded into a casserole shape and evenly placed in the baking tray to rise to 1.5 times its size.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Then the egg juice is applied to the surface, baked in the oven, the oven is heated to 200 degrees, reduced to 170 degrees, baked for 15 minutes.

6. While baking, prepare the filling at the same time, use corn beans and chopped carrots (I buy them in frozen packages from the supermarket) cooked in water, then mixed into the ham butterscotch.

7. After waiting for the bread to cool, cut a knife from the top, be careful not to cut it.

8. In places where it is cut, fill it with colored glue.

9. And then you can squeeze it in with the taste of the people.

10. Map of the finished product