Coconut food packages

2023-10-29 21:22:59BREADS


  Coconut smell is a force that I can't resist, because in the north, when I was a child, it was hard to eat fresh coconut, and every time my father came home from work to save my grain store, he was in a hurry.To this day, I still love all coconut-scented foods.Now it's very easy to buy coconut and coconut milk, we can use them to make all kinds of baked goods, this meal package is simple, the ingredients are also simple, it's a good choice as a breakfast package.



High starch powder 260 grams
Coconut juice 140 grams
One whole egg.
4 grams of yeast
15 grams of coconut
40 grams of white sugar
3 grams of salt
40 grams of butter

How TO MADE Coconut food packages

Steps 1 to 4

1. First, the coconut milk and the whole egg are poured into the machine.

2. Add the flour and coconut flour, dig a hole in the middle and put the yeast.

3. Put salt and sugar in the last two pairs of corners.

4. Starting to scratch

Steps 5 to 8

5. After kneading, add butter (butter is softened at room temperature in advance) and knead until the expansion stage (both can support large thin films)

6. Ferment the dough to 2.5 times its size

7. Take out the exhaust, split into three levels.

8. Each piece of dough is kneaded.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put it in a 5-inch hamburger mold, you can put a fork on it, sift some flour (out of portion) as a decoration

10. Do two rounds, ferment to twice the size

11. Preheated oven, 170 degrees for 30 minutes (note the color, cover with tin foil if necessary)

Handy cooking tips

  1, coconut pulp and high starch powder can be reserved for about 10 g, add or subtract as desired according to the water absorption of the flour 2, this dosage is suitable for three 5-inch hamburger models 3, should be adjusted according to the temperature of the oven itself