Castaway packages

2023-10-29 21:23:06BREADS





260 grams of high-quality flour
160 grams of cassava
White sugar 25 grams
2 grams of salt
70 grams of milk
4 grams of yeast
25 grams of butter
The right amount of cassava
Two eggs.
20 g of white sugar
30 grams of high-quality flour
130 grams of milk
(The finished product weighs about 195 grams
160 grams in a package
35 grams for surface decoration)
The surface is decorated with a little egg yolk

How TO MADE Castaway packages

Steps 1 to 4

1. All materials except butter are placed in the wrapping machine and processed for 20 minutes.

2. Add butter and continue kneading until the expansion stage.

3. The dough is fermented to 2.5 times the size

4. After exhalation, divide evenly into six portions and wake up for 15 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Go to a dough and make an oval.

6. Reverse back and roll from the side

7. Second fermentation to twice the size in the oven

8. Scrubbing eggs on your hair

Steps 9 to 12

9. The remaining cassava on the surface is used as a decoration.

10. Put in the oven 175° 20 minutes

11. It's easy to make a soft-roasted cassava.

12. Map of the finished product

13. Castor oil: mix all the ingredients of the castor oil together, stir evenly, cook over low heat until sticky, refrigerate for one hour, and then remove.