Cocoa balls and bread

2023-10-29 21:23:08BREADS


  A spherical loaf of bread wrapped in cocoa flavored with raw flavor from the head of yeast.



High starch flour (yeast head) 200 grams
High starch flour (raw) 100 grams
10 grams of raw milk powder
High starch flour (cocoa flavored) 85 g
Milk powder (cocoa flavored) 10 g
15 grams of cocoa powder
16 grams of white sugar
4 grams of yeast
Cold boiled water (yeast) 160 grams
30 grams of white sugar
30 grams of raw egg juice
25 grams of unsalted yellow fish (raw)
Salt (raw) 1 small slice
30 grams of white sugar (cocoa flavor)
30 grams of cocoa juice
Unsalted butter (cocoa flavored) 25 g
Salt (cocoa flavor) 1 small slice

How TO MADE Cocoa balls and bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. The head material is mixed evenly in the refrigerator and refrigerated for one night, fermenting until the surface tissue is cone-shaped.

2. Take half of the yeast material, add the raw material (except butter), knead it by hand into a dough, knead it until the surface of the dough is gradually smooth, then add butter, continue to knead the surface until smooth, the dough is in the general expansion stage, cover the preservative film for the first fermentation.

3. The remaining dough is mixed with cocoa-flavored ingredients (except butter) by hand into a dough, mixed until the surface of the dough is gradually smoothed, then add butter, continue to mix the dough until smooth, the dough is in the general expansion stage, cover the preservative film for the first fermentation.

4. When the two doughs are fermented to 2 to 2.5 times their original size, they are divided into 12 doses, each of about 30 g, and kneaded into a round lid to keep the film fresh for 10 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. After waking up, roll the two doughs into an oval and wake up for 10 minutes.

6. It is woven into a long strip of about 20 cm, cross-woven (as shown in the figure).

7. The two heads continue to be cross-woven (as shown in the figure).

8. As shown in Figure 1.

Steps 9 to 12

9. At the end, squeeze (as in the picture).

10. It is then folded in the middle and squeezed into a spherical shape for a second fermentation.

11. When the fermentation is doubled, brush the egg yolk.

12. Put in a preheated oven and bake at 150 degrees for 20-25 minutes.


Handy cooking tips

  When rubbing the dough, the thickness must be uniform, otherwise the thin part is easy to break.