Mini bowl of bread

2023-10-29 21:23:58BREADS


  My family loves small breads with ingredients, such as small breads with dried fruit, bean sandwiches, coconut bread, or bacon bread, and of course, mini pancakes, which can be counted among the top three.



250 grams of flour
40 grams of whole eggs
Honey 12 grams
110 grams of milk
25 grams of sugar
3 grams of salt
3 grams of dry yeast flour
25 grams of butter
10 small intestines
Salad sauce in moderation
Tomato sauce in moderation
A little oatmeal

How TO MADE Mini bowl of bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. When the dough is twice the size, it can be done by pricking the index finger from the middle to the bottom, and if the index finger is pulled out and the finger hole does not shrink, it indicates that the basic fermentation is complete.

2. Divide the fermented dough into 10 small doughs, each small dough 46 grams, roll the small dough out of the air and relax for 15 minutes.

3. The dough is rolled into an oval, the dough is rolled over, the bottom is thin, the top is rolled down, the length is slightly twice as long as the intestine, the dough is wrapped around the intestine in an O-shape, the interface is squeezed, similarly the other dough is shaped, put in the baking tray, for final fermentation.

4. After fermentation, a layer of egg juice is swept, squeezed over salad dressing and tomato sauce, and some parsley leaves are sprinkled.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Put the middle layer in a preheated oven at 180 degrees and bake it at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

6. Finished product

Handy cooking tips

  The amount of liquid in the flour should be adjusted according to the water absorption of the flour.The temperature and time of baking should be adjusted according to the actual situation of the respective oven.