Apple yogurt bread

2023-10-29 21:25:39BREADS





High starch flour 300 grams
150 grams of yogurt
One egg.
2 grams of salt
35 grams of fine sugar
15 grams of corn oil
3.2 grams of high-sugar yeast
Apples in moderation
Two medium-sized apples
35 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Apple yogurt bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. We make the apple pie first, and then we peel the apple into small pieces.

2. Put it in a pot, heat it up and add fine sugar.

3. While heating and stirring, start with more water, slowly cook until the water dries, turn off the fire, dry and cool for backup.

4. The main dough material is added to the bread maker's barrel and stirred.

Steps 5 to 8

5. 20 minutes

6. After stirring, the base is fermented for 30 minutes.

7. (Fermentation function with bread maker)

8. Fermentation is completed, and the dough is divided into three equal parts after aeration.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Take one out and shape it into a square.

10. Apples on top of apples

11. Roll from top to bottom, tightening at the mouth.

12. The other two were rolled in the same way.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Take one and cut it in half.

14. It is then discharged into the bread maker's barrel.

15. Use the fermentation function to ferment for 60 minutes.

16. The fermentation is completed by brushing the eggs and baking for 35 minutes.

17. After baking, remove the dough immediately.

18. Internal organizational chart
