Natural yeast chocolate villages

2023-10-29 21:29:23BREADS





High flour 128 grams
40 grams of natural yeast
1.5 grams of yeast
2.5 grams of salt
24 g of white sugar
8 grams of milk powder
12 grams of butter
68 grams of water
8 grams of cocoa powder
Dried 15 grams
5 pieces of chocolate

How TO MADE Natural yeast chocolate villages

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the materials can be mixed evenly and smoothly until the film comes out.

2. Fermented to 2-2.5 times

3. Remove the fermented dough, turn it upside down, flatten it with your fingers, wrap it around your middle hand, roll it around, and let the room temperature cover loosen the preservative film for 15 to 20 minutes.

4. The same method is used for the second round, the bottom is placed upwards into the sprinkled fermentation basket, flattened, the temperature is 35-38 degrees, the humidity is 70% and rises to the height of 3 rods.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The blade is about 0.5 cm long and is mounted upside down on the grill.

6. 180 degrees 22 minutes, cool immediately in the oven, pack to 30-35 degrees

7. Completed

8. There you go.

9. Good to eat.