50% whole wheat bread

2023-10-29 21:29:34BREADS





High starch powder 140 grams
140 grams of whole wheat flour
White sugar 35 grams
3 grams of salt
4 grams of yeast
15 grams of butter
70 ml of milk
75 grams of water

How TO MADE 50% whole wheat bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. I thought I'd practice my hands before I showed my face to the packaging.

2. If it wasn't for the height of the packaging, I'd have thought it was someone else's stuff, and I wouldn't have dared to take it down, and I wouldn't have rushed to the final draft.

3. Oh, my God.

4. It's all tears.

Steps 5 to 8

5. This is a very good guide.

6. It also serves as a fertilizer.

7. An opening can also be used to directly see the degree of the face and body.

8. Prepare the ingredients.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The bread barrel was still occupied by the fermentation, so I mixed it myself.

10. Pour into clean water.

11. Mix it up, mix the dough into a basic shape.

12. Try the function of Wi-Fi linking successfully directly to the phone.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Set 10 and face function for 15 minutes.

14. Take it out, knead it in another dough, and add butter.

15. Throw it in and rub it for 15 minutes.

16. Take out the dough.

Steps 17 to 20

17. The dough is smooth when it is kneaded in the bread machine.

18. But now the weather in Guangzhou is so hot, plus this is tomorrow's breakfast, save some electricity for normal temperature fermentation.

19. Fermented to twice the size.

20. Divided into equal parts.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Take a growth stick.

22. Fold both sides inwards.

23. It grows in an upward and downward direction.

24. It rolls from one direction to the other.

25. It is placed in a square bread mold for secondary fermentation.

26. After the second fermentation, the oven is preheated.

27. 170 degrees 10 minutes.

28. After preheating at 170 degrees for about 35 hours.

29. Dry after cooking.

30. Ha, isn't it strange why there's one more? Because before there were four in the mold, I felt too crowded to take out a separate roast resulting in three less!

31. It's a little ugly, but it tastes good.


Handy cooking tips

  Whole wheat bread tastes rough but chewy.Therefore, the dough process of whole wheat bread does not have to be mixed until it expands like ordinary bread.A slightly harsh tone of voice is not more polite.The reason it's 50% whole wheat is because the ratio of whole wheat flour to high-fiber flour is almost one to one.Therefore, whole wheat bread is divided into many types, the key is the content of whole wheat flour in it.If you really like a loaf of bread and want to try whole wheat, it's also possible to replace high-fiber flour by percentage.