Simple, sweet, grapefruit-flavored bread - bread maker and bread

2023-10-29 21:30:21BREADS


  Since I have a baking machine, it's easier to make bread, and I love making bread more and more, basically my baking machine uses a baking function, and I'm used to fermenting in the oven, and I think it works better.After shaping, it is also fermented twice in the oven and baked directly, it looks good, it is colored, and the fire weather is well controlled.Our whole family is very fond of eating raisins, not only is it delicious, but it's also very nutritious, it's used to make bread, and we can eat it every day.This bread has a baking machine, and the dough is simple, no more worries, the shape is also simple, the dough is filled, the mouth is pressed, the round plate is kneaded, the egg is brushed, the baking is done.My recipe is relatively large, my grill is 38 x 28 cm, if the grill at home is small enough to reduce the size, the whole can be reduced proportionally.



70 grams of butter
90 grams of flour
2.3 grams of salt
Eggs 90 grams
170 grams of milk
370 grams of starch
Whole wheat flour 130 g
5 grams of yeast
20 grams of whole milk powder

How TO MADE Simple, sweet, grapefruit-flavored bread - bread maker and bread

Steps 1 to 4

1. The ingredients are poured into the baking machine in order, and the dough is ground with a cooking machine.

2. High-quality whole wheat flour is covered with a liquid such as egg yolk and milk, called yeast in the edge corner and milk powder in the other opposite corner, be sure to separate the yeast from the sugar salt, otherwise it will affect the fermentation.

3. If you can easily pull out a uniform film, you can do it, and if you can't, you can do it again, and my bread maker is 20 minutes, and I usually do it with two procedures.

4. Put a plate full of water under the oven, turn off the oven temperature, open it to the fermentation stage (an oven without a fermentation function can ferment if it can be set between 34 to 40 ° C), ferment for about an hour, and the dough is doubled in size.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The fermentation is removed and the dough is dried and the dough is exhausted.

6. I've divided it into 12 doses, and I've covered each dose with a preservative, and I've taken it out and processed it.

7. The round is pressed flat, wrapped in a raisin, the mouth is squeezed, then the mouth is squeezed down, arranged in a circle around it, and placed in a pan of oiled paper.

8. Cover with a preservative film and continue in the oven for a second fermentation for one hour.

9. After fermentation, it is removed, preheated in the oven at 180°C and set on fire at 150°C, the bread is brushed with egg juice, sprinkled with sesame seeds, and baked in the oven for about 25 minutes (depending on the size of the bread).

10. When baking, the bread will also swell a little bit, usually in 10 minutes the bread starts to color, do not want to color too heavy on top of a layer of tin paper, continue baking.

11. Zing! Out of the oven, the big job is done! Enjoy the sweet and delicious grapefruit milk scented round bread.

12. The internal organization is unparalleled.


Handy cooking tips

  The harvest must be squeezed tightly, otherwise the second fermentation will expand when it is held open, without the tube shape, because it is all pressed down.