Old-fashioned bread - the perfect recipe

2023-10-29 21:32:56BREADS


  Everyone in the family likes to eat old-fashioned bread, before I used another recipe, I felt that the main dough was very sticky when it was kneaded, so after several improvements, I had this recipe, I felt that the dough was well kneaded, it didn't take too long to be smooth, there was no butter in the house, I used vegetable oil that I usually cook, any kind can be cooked.



High starch flour (yeast head) 150 grams
20 grams of sugar
4 grams of yeast
120 grams of water (yeast)
High starch flour (main dough) 180 grams
1 egg (main dish)
40 grams of sugar
3 grams of salt
20 grams of sesame oil (after oil)

How TO MADE Old-fashioned bread - the perfect recipe

Steps 1 to 4

1. Simply mix the flour and sugar in the yeast dough.

2. If the water is warm, add a small amount of water to the yeast, pour it into the flour, mix it into small lumps, then pour the remaining water into it, mix it with a chopstick, this yeast is successful even in the initial preparation.

3. Cover with a lid or a preservative film, put in the fermentation chamber for 60 minutes, ferment until the dough is in a cone shape, and you're done.

4. You don't have to adjust the temperature, you can adjust the time.

Steps 5 to 8

5. In the fermented dough, add all the ingredients of the main dough, without separating, then knead, knead, knead, knead, knead, knead, knead, knead, knead.

6. When the dough is smooth, it starts to form, you can do whatever you want, I like to eat toast, just boil it, roll it up, put it in the toast box for a second fermentation, put it in the fermentation chamber for 100 minutes, ferment it to eight or nine points.

7. (The picture on the cover is of a mashed dough divided into three parts, one with cocoa powder, one with matcha powder, and one with nothing added, rolled together and baked in a toast box.)

8. The 38L oven is baked at 185°C for 30 minutes, the previous 25L oven is baked at 150°C for 20 minutes, all of them are beautiful.

9. The family was killed and didn't even get a chance to take a picture.

10. If you cook it in a box, it must be cooled and then removed from the mold, it will crush the bones when it is hot.

11. Trying a new shape, the one on the left in the picture above is the one that we just tried with whole milk without water, we found that it didn't work, the milk would affect the fermentation, the dough wouldn't be tall, so we removed the milk from the recipe.

12. Six-inch live-bottom mold for round, slightly squeezed, next time with eight-inch mold


Handy cooking tips

  High-quality flour can be replaced with coconut flour, which I've been using all my life.