Purple breast milk meal packages

2023-10-29 21:36:16BREADS


  The neighbors sent a bunch of purple potatoes.I'm going to work overtime next week, and I'm going to prepare some snacks.I doubled the amount of ingredients in the house, leftover milk and high-fiber powder, and a can of milk.All right, let's get started on the bread.



200 grams of starch
20 g of white sugar
25 grams of milk (bread)
20 grams of butter
120 grams of milk
4 grams of yeast
3 grams of salt
30 grams of refined milk (purple potato paste)
210 grams of purple
A little egg juice.

How TO MADE Purple breast milk meal packages

Steps 1 to 4

1. High-fiber flour, 25 g of refined milk, sugar, salt, milk, yeast are mixed into a dough.

2. Add softened butter, stir until tender, and let ferment for one hour.

3. Purple potatoes are put in a fresh bag and ground into mud.

4. Add 30 g of refined milk, mix evenly, and make a purple mashed potato.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The bread is fermented to twice its size, extracting the exhaust.

6. The dough and the purple mashed potatoes are divided into 10 equal parts.

7. Take a dough and wrap it in a purple mash.

8. Round, flattened.

Steps 9 to 12

9. It grows oval-shaped with a noodle stick.

10. Formed from an elliptical head.

11. Do the remaining nine in turn, put the pan in the oven and ferment it twice.

12. Chen Chen's oven is small, divided into two plates.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Brush the eggs.

14. It is cooked on a low heat of about 175 degrees for about 10 minutes.

15. The surface is golden yellow.

16. Finished product.

17. The first time it was a little too bright.

Handy cooking tips

  The weather is cold, the problem of butter softening, the northern friends have no difficulty in seeing the southern friends, Chen Chen thinks there is a trick that is still very useful: cut the butter into small pieces, blow the electric wind for about 30 seconds, immediately soften (^ω^) can try oh