Onion ham bread rolls

2023-10-29 21:36:51BREADS





200 grams of gold
50 grams of low-fat flour
Water 133 grams
25 grams of egg juice
10 grams of milk powder
30 grams of fine sugar
3 grams of salt
3 grams of yeast
20 grams of butter
25 grams of onions
70 grams of ham
Salad sauce in moderation

How TO MADE Onion ham bread rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. Put all the dough materials except the butter in the stirring bowl, remembering to add the salt, sugar and milk powder first, then the liquid, then the flour, and the yeast on top;

2. Put the mixing bowl in the cookware, use the cookware to pull out the thicker film, and then add the butter to the expansion stage (that is, pull out the large, semi-transparent, unbreakable film);

3. Roll the finished dough, put it in a bowl, cover it with a preservative film, and make the first basic fermentation;

4. Ferment the dough to twice its size, dip the flour into the dough with your finger, and withdraw the dough after the hole does not bounce back or bounces back slowly, i.e. the basic fermentation is complete (if the hole bounces back quickly, it is insufficient fermentation, if the dough collapses, it indicates over-fermentation);

Steps 5 to 8

5. At the end of the basic fermentation, the dough is removed, gently exhausted, then rolled again, covered with a preservative film and stirred for 15 minutes;

6. When the dough is loose, cut the ham and onions and mix them evenly, or cut them well in advance;

7. The loose dough is shaped into a square with a thin bottom, as shown in the figure.

8. Apply a thin layer of salad dressing to the surface of the dough (do not apply a thin layer at the bottom), then evenly spread the onion ham into pieces;

Steps 9 to 12

9. Roll the dough from top to bottom, squeeze at the mouth, downward;

10. Cut the dough into eight pieces, as shown in the figure;

11. The sliced dough is placed in a mold and left in a warm, humid place for final fermentation, without a mold it can also be placed directly on the baking tray;

12. When the dough is finally fermented, a thin layer of whole egg liquid is applied to the surface;

Steps 13 to 16

13. The oven is preheated to 180 degrees, the dough is placed in the middle layer of the oven and baked for 15 to 18 minutes, after baking it should be immediately removed from the mold, put on the shelf to cool.


Handy cooking tips

  For this type of bread cutting, it is best to use yarn to cut the dough, this cut will be more even than cutting with a knife, the performance of each oven varies, adjusting the temperature and time according to the situation of your oven