Bacon and cheese rolls

2023-10-29 21:37:12BREADS


  How can I find a match between a husband who doesn't like bacon and a husband who loves bacon, so let this bacon cheese roll work its magic!



400 grams of high-quality flour
30 grams of fine sugar
Two eggs.
2 grams of salt
4 grams of yeast flour
30 grams of unsalted butter
100 grams of water
10 slices of bacon
10 slices of cheese

How TO MADE Bacon and cheese rolls

Steps 1 to 4

1. High-strength flour, fine sugar, salt, and egg yolk are mixed with water to form a smooth dough.

2. Add unsalted butter and knead into a dough that can be pulled out into a slightly transparent film.

3. The dough is placed in a container and covered with a preservative film for basic fermentation for about 80 minutes.

4. The dough is divided into 10 equal parts, rolled and then covered with a preservative film, relaxed for about 10 minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The dough grows into a rectangle of about 16 cm and a width of about 10 cm, and after folding, the bacon is laid and the cheese slices are cut separately (each slice of cheese is torn in half and laid on the bacon).

6. Lightly rolled into a cylinder, the mouth is cut down from 1/2 of the surface to near the bottom, and the cutting face is folded up into two cylinders.

7. Cover with a preservative film and ferment for about 25 minutes.

8. Brush the eggs evenly, put them in a preheated oven, and bake for about 20 minutes at 190°C and 190°C.

9. The little bread in the oven, cheer up, cheer up!