South Korean head of household

2023-10-29 21:39:50BREADS


  I've made bread a few times before, and then I'm really scared of the pain of making bread, and I don't want to try making bread by hand anymore.After receiving this prayer and egg breaker, I looked at the instructions and said that it can be used to make bread, and with a half-confident half-doubting attitude, I made this little Korean noodle at home yesterday, not to mention, the effect is really not good!Although it's not a professional doughnut, it's enough to feel that home-made bread is enough.It's really nice to have a face effect with it, so let's take a look at the internal organization of a little Korean head.To be honest, it's a bit of a shock to see the bread before it's ready, especially the egg-breaker in the process of working, it's really scary, because I've heard people say that the egg-breaker has burned the motor, I'm really afraid that it's going to strike with no face as soon as it's on duty.I don't think it's very exciting, even if it takes a break for a minute or two to work, it's not a big deal to complete the task successfully.The hanging heart finally fell back to its place.It's also commendable that this egg-laying machine is so versatile! Can you say no to a Korean chick with a soft exterior and a soft interior?



225 grams of flour
25 grams of cornstarch
105 ml of milk
One egg.
3 grams of dry yeast
45 grams of white sugar
3 grams of flour
2 grams of salt
At the bottom: 5 grams of white sugar
5 grams of sesame
A little flour.

How TO MADE South Korean head of household

Steps 1 to 4

1. Pray and beat the egg with a mixing bucket, mixing stick with a pair of mixing hooks.

2. All ingredients except milk and dry yeast are placed in the stirring bucket of the prayer and egg-breaker.

3. The milk is heated to warm, poured into the dry yeast and stirred until completely melted.

4. Melted yeast milk is poured into a mixing bowl.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The prayer and egg-breaker are connected to the power supply, and the switch is opened to one switch.

6. Use the chopsticks to help the scattered flour get close to the stirring handle, but be careful not to let the chopsticks touch the stirring handle.

7. The flour begins to turn into a dry, evenly moist flour.

8. The dough begins to form, and the chopsticks withdraw.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The egg-breaker rests a little bit, continues to open to 1 layer, and the dough begins to form muscles under the stirring of the egg-breaker.

10. After stirring for one to two minutes, it stops and rests for a while, after about four minutes the dough can hold the membrane open, but it is very easy to break.

11. Continue stirring, and after about seven minutes, the surface of the dough looks very shiny, and the upward pressure is very elastic, but it still does not pull out a good film.

12. After a short rest, continue stirring for about two minutes, and the dough will have formed a thin, tough, and not easily cracked film.

Steps 13 to 16

13. This is when the full expansion stage is reached.

14. So far, the mission of praying and making eggs has been successfully completed.

15. Remove all the dough from the stirring barrel, put it in a warm place to ferment twice as much, and gently press the exhaust.

16. Mix all the ingredients together and stir evenly.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Divide the well-drained dough evenly into tenths.

18. Take a small dough and knead it with a doughnut stick into a beef tongue.

19. Roll from one end and cut in half in the middle position.

20. A layer of cooking oil is poured into a grill or mold, the more oil, the crisper the bottom of the Korean chicken head.

Steps 21 to 24

21. But not too much.

22. Take a slice of the first embryo, sprinkle a small amount of water on the bottom, and then dip it in the mixture.

23. The cooked Korean noodle heads are placed in a baking pan or mold in turn, leaving a gap in the middle for secondary fermentation.

24. Spray a little water on the top of the head, apply a touch of sesame seeds with your hands, and brush a layer of cooking oil with a brush.

25. Preheat the oven 170 degrees, medium, up and down for 10 minutes, turn 150 degrees, down and bake for about 6 minutes to your favorite color.

26. Roasted Korean noodles can be eaten while they are hot by rubbing a layer of honey on the surface.
