Bread with coconut flowers

2023-10-29 21:40:57BREADS





Dough ingredients: in moderation
High starch flour 300 grams
30 grams of butter
150 grams of milk
30 grams of eggs
45 grams of fine sugar
5 grams of dry yeast
3 grams of salt
The filling is moderate.
50 grams of coconut
20 grams of butter
20 grams of milk
20 grams of egg
20 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Bread with coconut flowers

Steps 1 to 4

1. Distribution of flour:

2. All the ingredients are ready and measured according to the square;

3. Put all the dough materials except the butter in the mixing bucket of the cook's machine, choose two stages of mixing for two minutes, stop and wipe the surface on the walls of the bucket with a small shovel attached at random;

4. Choose 5 steps and continue stirring for 3 minutes, the dough has begun to become elastic, pulling up can feel the beginning of the texture;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add chopped butter that has been softened at room temperature;

6. Choose 2 layers for 1 minute, then add 5 layers for 2 minutes, add 12 layers for 3 minutes, then the dough can easily pull out the film, but the toughness is not enough, it is easy to tear, the edge of the hole is not smooth, indicating that the dough has reached the stage of expansion, but has not yet reached full expansion;

7. Choose 12 steps and continue stirring for 2-3 minutes, at which point the thin film pulled out of the dough is as transparent as a medical glove, this is what is called a glove film, very tough and not easy to tear, even if you tear hard, the hole is smooth, indicating that the dough has reached the stage of full expansion, and the end of the face;

8. The dough is rolled evenly by hand;

Steps 9 to 12

9. It is packaged in a box with a lid and sent to the oven for fermentation, and now the ovens have a fermentation function, which is very convenient to use.

10. How to make coconut filling:

11. Weigh all the ingredients used to make the cabbage and soften the butter at room temperature;

12. Mix all the ingredients together and place them evenly so that the coconut powder absorbs enough water.

Steps 13 to 16

13. How to make coconut bread:

14. When the dough is twice the size of the original, it can be taken out of the oven and made into bread;

15. The dough is evenly divided into small doughs of 64 grams per piece, rolled evenly and then covered with a loose preservative film for 15 minutes;

16. Take a small dough, press it flat, put the right amount of coconut filling on it; normally, the coconut filling should also be divided evenly according to the number of small doughs divided, I was lazy to check it out, as a result, there were more coconut fillings, so that not only did the dough leak when it was baked, there were two doughs left without coconut filling to be packed, just packed the remaining coconut filling for the Mid-Autumn Festival, made two small meal packages of coconut filling.

Steps 17 to 20

17. Wrap tightly, place the mouth down and relax for 10 minutes;

18. The dough is then flipped over and flattened into an oval shape, paying attention to the middle of the dough and the sides of the dough, so that the dough is evenly distributed.

19. The long edge is folded;

20. And then it flips over as shown in the figure.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Take a knife from a wide side, cut three knives evenly, be careful not to cut on top;

22. Turn the slices upside down to form a loaf of bread.

23. All the bread is cooked and placed in the oven for a second fermentation.

24. Twenty or thirty minutes later, it was sent back to the original two, and the bread was much thicker than it had been.

25. Brush the whole egg on the surface of the bread;

26. Put it in a pre-heated oven, lower the middle layer to 180 degrees, bake it for 18-20 minutes, pay attention to observing during this time, it is best to cover the surface of the bread with tin paper after coloring, to avoid surface roasting;

27. After the bread is baked, it is taken out to dry and eaten, of course I have to take pictures and display them.
