Bread with coconut flowers

2023-10-29 21:41:00BREADS


  It's the same as making ordinary bread, but with more coconut flavor.Flowers can be made to your liking.



400 grams of high-quality flour
One egg.
25 grams of milk powder
30 grams of white sugar
2 grams of salt
4 grams of yeast
25 grams of corn oil
Adequate water
egg juice
white sugar
butter in moderation

How TO MADE Bread with coconut flowers

Steps 1 to 4

1. 400 grams of high-fiber flour, 2 grams of salt, 25 grams of corn oil, 30 grams of white sugar, 25 grams of milk powder, 4 grams of yeast, one egg, add to the bread bucket, slowly add water and knead into the dough.

2. I used a toaster for 40 minutes.

3. It's the same without the bread maker.

4. Scrub for about 30 minutes to check if the membrane is there, the membrane is almost there, no, just scrub for a few minutes.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The graph shows the state of the membrane.

6. After removing the film, knead into a smooth dough and place in a warm place to wait for fermentation.

7. Fermented to 2 to 2.5 times larger.

8. Butter, white sugar, and egg yolk are added slowly, and the coconut is mixed evenly.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The fermented dough is hand-pressed and divided into equal portions, depending on the size.

10. Take the first part, cut it into tongue-shaped pieces, wrap it in coconut filling, roll it from top to bottom.

11. This is the caterpillar section.

12. In the other, take the first part of the round and the same opening as the package, the opening down, press flat from the edge and cut eight knives.

13. Flip the diagonal.

14. Another one, wrapped in coconut flour, with the mouth facing down into a tongue, folded, and cut with a knife.

15. Fold it up into a heart shape.

16. Everything is neatly placed on the baking tray, put in the oven to ferment to twice the size (cold fermentation can be done by putting a bowl of hot water under the oven, not hot), after the second fermentation, brush the egg layer once on the surface, sprinkle black (or white) sesame juice according to the different shape.

17. The middle layer of the oven is 180 degrees, 15 to 20 degrees is good.

18. Observations based on ovens.

19. Brush a thin layer of corn oil on the stove immediately.

20. Making a flower key map to complete a sheet.

21. Map of the finished product.
