The durian.

2023-10-29 21:41:06BREADS





The recipe: moderate
500 grams of high-quality flour
500 grams of low-fat flour
19 grams of salt
2 grams of yeast
120 grams of red sugar
70 grams of butter
120 grams of eggs
100 grams of cream
120 grams of natural yeast flour
520 grams of water
The filling: moderate
700 grams of durian
100 grams of white sugar
100 grams of butter
700 grams of cream cheese

How TO MADE The durian.

Steps 1 to 4

1. The required material is measured accurately and separately from the dry and wet material.

2. The dry material is poured into the mixer and stirred evenly, then the wet material is added to the mixer and stirred slowly until there is no dry powder, then the rapid stirring is started.

3. The dough is stirred to 70% and the 70% mask is thick.

4. Put in butter, because butter will hinder the formation of the dough, so it is not easy to put it early, sixty percent of the dough has not yet formed, seventy percent of the dough has already formed, so choose to put it in butter at seventy percent, then slowly stir until the dough and the butter are completely mixed, the wall of the tank is not covered with butter, adjust to fast, finally reach ninety percent.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Ninety percent of the dough's surface is smooth and shiny, compared to eighty percent of the dough's fingerprints.

6. The dough is sliced from the surface, kneaded, placed in a toaster with hand powder, poured into a stirring box for the first stirring, at a temperature of 30 ° C, relative humidity of 80%, and the stirring time is about 50 minutes.

7. When the first stirring is complete, the dough is sliced and weighed, divided into 100 g of dough.

8. The sliced dough is folded into cylinders to make it easier to shape for later use.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The dough is rolled into cylinders, placed in a baking tray, allowed to settle at normal temperature for about 20 minutes, and covered with a wet cloth to prevent the surface from cracking.

10. During the fermentation process, the butter and sugar are sent to the milk white to make the necessary filling.

11. Then add the durian and the cream cheese back and forth, and finally stir evenly so that it melts.

12. The loose dough is flattened to expel the gas, and hand-sized to the desired size.

13. A moderate amount of filling is applied to the surface of the dough, which is not easy to overfill, leaving the edges needed for the rolling process.

14. Holding the top of the dough with both hands, rolling the dough in its own direction, eventually rolling it into a cylinder, and rolling the dough that is too tight to collect.

15. Use the palm of your hand to crush the edge of the mouth to tighten the edge of the mouth.

16. The dough is placed in a baking tray, placed in a baking tray for a second baking at a room temperature of 28 ° C, the baking process takes about 40 minutes, the volume is about 1.5 to 2 times the size of the original dough.

17. The dough is then placed in the oven at 210°C to 190°C and baked for about 10 to 15 minutes.
