Mini black sesame toast

2023-10-29 21:42:37BREADS





Sesame paste is about 105 ml (160 g)
250 grams of high-quality flour
One egg yolk
30 grams of water
4 grams of yeast
15 grams of butter

How TO MADE Mini black sesame toast

Steps 1 to 4

1. All the ingredients except the butter are mixed into the dough (it was cold that day, the yeast used 4G), and the kind of sesame paste I used in the square can be referenced in the previous article.

2. Add the butter and stir until the film comes out (this bread is smaller, so it's not intentionally stirred to the full stage).

3. Wrap with a preservative bag to prevent surface drying - put in a warm place for the first fermentation (just a hole that does not shrink or sink)

4. After exhausting the dough, divide it into small doses and roll them separately (I divided it into two parts, one of which I divided into three parts and made a three-peak).

Steps 5 to 8

5. Take a dough and open it, and squeeze the bottom with your hand so that it's as wide as it is wide.

6. Roll it up, cover it with a preservative, and leave it on the side for 15 to 20 minutes.

7. It's time to wake up again.

8. The second roll is about 2.5 laps.

Steps 9 to 12

9. There is no toast box in the dormitory.

10. But it's not colored at all with tin foil.

11. The same method to make a single peak in a toast box.

12. After the second fermentation, it is fermented for 7 to 8 minutes and then baked in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for about 35 minutes.

13. Comparison of finished products

Handy cooking tips

  Black sesame medicine has two uses: it has the effect of replenishing the liver, the kidneys, nourishing the intestines, nourishing the blood, nourishing the intestines, etc. For a while, you can also cook black sesame paste for yourself. If you cook too much once, you will want to use this sticky paste. It can also be considered a natural moisturizer.