Bloom bread Bloomer

2023-10-29 21:44:21BREADS


  Square from BBC food documentary: Paul teaches you how to make bread S01E01 ⁇ No. 1Bloom bread (Bloomer) This round bread is called Bloom Bloomer because the cut on the surface looks like a flower.It belongs to hard-shelled bread, with a hard outer skin and a soft middle.Broom bread is the foundation of the entry level, learn to make this, other bread is a different kind of work.- D



500 grams of high-quality flour
7 grams of yeast
10 grams of salt
40 ml of olive oil
320 ml of cold water

How TO MADE Bloom bread Bloomer

Steps 1 to 4

1. Pour the flour into a large bowl, add salt and yeast.

2. Salt and yeast should not be mixed together.

3. Add olive oil and 240 ml of water.

4. The ingredients are mixed by hand.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the remaining water gradually.

6. Let the flour get wet and let all the flour mix together.

7. There's a rough dough.

8. Put a little olive oil on a clean table, apply the oil on the table, and you can take out the freshly coarse dough and knead it.

9. Mix for about five to ten minutes until the dough is soft, smooth, non-sticky, and non-sticky.

10. You can take out a clean bowl, coat the bottom with a thin layer of oil, put the kneaded dough in it, and cover it with a preservative film.

11. Ferment for about two hours at room temperature.

12. After two hours, the dough is about three times as big as before.

13. It can be removed and placed on the table to remove the air from the dough.

14. Perform several repeated stretches and folds.

15. Finally, the dough is pressed into a square shape by hand, folding the two short edges in the middle, and rolled up from the bottom to the top to form a smooth elliptical shape.

16. (Make the dough as high as possible)

17. Lay the baking paper on the grill, put the kneaded dough in the grill, and cover it with a preservative film.

18. Perform secondary fermentation.

19. About one to two hours at room temperature.

20. It expands to twice its size.

21. A little bit of water can be sprayed on the surface of the dough, and a little bit of flour can be sprayed.

22. Cut four diagonals on the surface with a knife.

23. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius.

24. Place the water-filled pan at the bottom of the oven, and the bread-filled pan in the middle of the oven.

25. Baked for 25 minutes.

26. After completion, reduce to 200 degrees Celsius and bake for another 10 minutes.

27. When it's cooked, take it out.

28. Put it on the shelf and dry it.

29. You can do it.
