Honey cake

2023-10-29 21:46:38CAKE





40 grams of corn oil
60 grams of honey
Four eggs.
40 grams of fine sugar
Low flour 100 grams
1/2 teaspoon of powder

How TO MADE Honey cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Corn oil and honey are placed in the same container, heated with a waterproof or microwave heating method, stirred with a tablespoon for backup

2. Add fine sugar to the whole egg.

3. Stir with an electric egg beater until the color turns milky white, and the egg paste does not disappear immediately.

4. Finally, stir slowly for about 1 minute.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Screening into a mixture of low-powder and bubble powder.

6. All materials poured into practice 1.

7. Mix the dough with a scraper.

8. A spoonful of dough is poured into the mold and left to stand for about five minutes, so that the finished product is finely woven.

Steps 9 to 12

9. After preheating the oven, 170 degrees for 15-20 minutes, the oven temperature is adjusted according to your own home.

10. This cake contains honey, and the bottom temperature should not be too high when baking, otherwise it is easy to roast.

11. I added a grill at the bottom.
