Mango cream cake

2023-10-29 21:46:39CAKE


  This cake was made the other day for my daughter's birthday, and I baked it with whipped cream, and my daughter made the decorations herself.Because of the heat, it is not suitable for flowers, so fresh mangoes are sprinkled on the surface, and the edges are chocolate chips.So it's not pretty, but in my mother's heart, no matter how ugly, it's the most perfect, the sweetest cake.



Eight inches of wind
250 ml of cream
20 g of white sugar
Mango one
A moderate amount of chocolate

How TO MADE Mango cream cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Divide the cake in half from the middle into two slices.

2. Cut the mango into the appropriate size for backup.

3. Take a moderate amount of ice water.

4. (I also added some ice cubes to the ice water)

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour the light cream into the container and add the white sugar.

6. Sitting in ice water.

7. Launched until a clear pattern appeared.

8. Take a little bit of light cream and a moderate amount of mango butter and stir evenly.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Spread evenly on the cake slices below, making a clamp.

10. Cover the cake on top.

11. Apply cream evenly to the surface and edges in turn.

12. (Because the surface is decorated, it doesn't have to be smooth, and if it's a cake that doesn't have decorations on the sides, it has to be smooth for aesthetics.)

13. Finally, the mango butter is decorated on the surface of the cake, and the chocolate is crushed on the edge of the cake.


Handy cooking tips

  Poetry: When making a cake, when mixing the egg yolk paste and the final protein egg yolk, be sure to use the up-and-down mixing method, not the circle mixing.2: baking time for reference, specific time to be determined based on your own oven.3: My cream is 250 milliliters per box, so I use 250 milliliters every time I make a birthday cake, but it's used for eight cakes, and it's almost exactly the right amount, so be careful not to waste it.In the case of light cream in large boxes, it is recommended to use 300 ml directly.