Low-fat yogurt cake

2023-10-29 21:47:08CAKE


  This yogurt cake is characterized by being oil-free, with relatively fewer calories, but for weight loss MM, I'm sure you'll love this delicious low-fat dish!



100 grams of yogurt
Two eggs.
45 grams of low-fat flour
A few drops of herbs
Two eggs.
Drops of white vinegar
30 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Low-fat yogurt cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Eggs are separated in advance by egg yolk and egg yolk.

2. Pour the yogurt into the bowl, add the butter and a few drops of vanilla extract.

3. Completely mixed evenly

4. Then sift through the low-fat flour.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir evenly again, and the egg yolk is ready!

6. Add a few drops of white vinegar to the egg whites, add sugar, and stir in the egg beater.

7. Add a few drops of white vinegar to the egg whites, add sugar, and stir in the egg beater.

8. Take 1/3 of the protein cream and mix it in the egg yolk.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Pour the remaining 2/3 of the protein back into the cream and stir evenly.

10. And then pour it into a six-inch cake mold.

11. Put the middle and lower layers of the preheated oven, and put the heated water in the oven pan at the bottom.

12. 170 degrees, about 40 minutes!

Handy cooking tips

  1. because it is bought old yogurt, it contains sugar, so the egg yolk part is not added sugar 2. baked cake does not need to be turned upside down, let it cool a little to get out of shape