Steamed cake

2023-10-29 21:47:08CAKE


  When I used to go to school at my grandmother's house, on Saturdays, the place I wanted to go to the most was my grandmother's house, because every time I went to my grandmother's house, she would make a lot of good food, what kind of cake, what kind of fruit, what kind of juice, etc.In addition to these, I especially like the food that my grandmother makes by hand, which is steamed cake.In our village, there is a ceramic bowl, about 40 centimeters in diameter, that my grandmother uses every time she steams a cake, that bowl can steam a dozen eggs, and when it's steamed, as soon as the lid is opened, a thick smell of eggs comes out of the nose.My grandmother put it upside down on the board and cut it into large pieces with a knife, and I was always the one who reached out the fastest, even if it was in my hand.I'm not afraid of not being able to eat it, but I especially like to eat freshly baked cake, take a bite, the hot place in the middle, it really smells good...Steamed cake can be divided into two types, one with oil and one without oil, this one I made is the same as my grandmother's, it is without oil, it is more suitable for children and the elderly, it is not greasy and does not burn.The process of making it is very close to the old-fashioned cake, just a distillation and a baking.This kind of cake is quick to make, and it only takes about ten minutes to make, and it's perfect for both cooking and breakfast.If you don't have an oven, but you want to make a cake for your family, we'll steam it!



Two eggs.
50 grams of flour
60 grams of cake flour

How TO MADE Steamed cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the cake, the eggs, the sugar, the flour.

2. It doesn't matter if it's 100 grams or 120 grams.

3. Eggs in a bowl with no oil and no water.

4. Using an egg beater at low speed to create a bubble.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour into the sugar powder.

6. High-speed delivery to eggs in a paste.

7. It's not easy to get rid of the traces of egg yolk that fall from the egg beater.

8. Pour the cake powder into the powder sieve.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Filtered into egg yolk.

10. Stir evenly with a rubber scraper.

11. (The recipe is the same as when making the cake paste, stir up and down, don't make circles, so as not to foam)

12. The mixed cake paste is carefully poured into the container, which is about eight percent full.

13. I used a cake mold and put a paper cup in it.

14. (Be careful not to spill outside the container when spilling.)

15. If you're not sure, it's better to put the cake in a bag of flowers, or to spit it out with a spoon, I'm used to it, I always pour it directly.

16. Put it in a boiling pot of hot water and simmer for about 8 minutes.

17. When opening the lid of the pot, be careful not to drop water vapor on the cake.

18. (Boil the water in the pot before preparing the cake powder)

19. If you don't have a special mold, you can also pour it into a small bowl of the same size, and I'm using a small bowl of spices, like a paper cup in a cushion.


Handy cooking tips

  Poem: When laying a whole egg, it is usually placed in warm water, this is to make it easier to lay some, on such a day, it is also easier to lay directly, but it is better to use unrefrigerated eggs.2: When stirring the cake paste, stir up and down, do not draw circles, so that the cake paste does not melt.3: When boiling, add hot water to the pot.4: If you want to add oil, add it after stirring the cake paste in step six, mix it evenly, and then filter it into the cake powder.About 10 grams of oil can be added to 2 eggs.5: Be careful when opening the lid of the pot after steaming, so as not to drop water vapor on the cake, affecting the aesthetics.6: No cake flour, the same with low flour.