Honey cake

2023-10-29 21:47:10CAKE


  Today I finally got over the fact that I don't make cookies (I guess everyone gets annoyed every time they make cookies).Dare to try to make a whole egg honey cake, follow the video of the round pig step by step, every step is done very seriously.(Actually, I'm nervous, I've always heard that it's hard to make whole eggs, but I didn't expect it to be successful in the end.))



3 large eggs (180 grams)
50 grams of honey
40 grams of sugar
100 grams of low-fat flour
20 grams of corn oil
20 grams of milk
16 teaspoons of salt

How TO MADE Honey cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the ingredients, beat the eggs into a clean, water-free, oil-free bowl.

2. Add all the sugar and honey to the egg.

3. It is mixed with a hand-held scrambler.

4. In the pot, pour 1/2 of the amount of cold water, place the egg pan on the water, open a small fire and start heating (the term is called separation heating).

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir continuously with a hand-held egg beater while heating until the juice and sugar are evenly mixed.

6. When the temperature of the egg juice reaches 36 degrees Celsius, the ends are removed from the hot water and start stirring with an electric egg breaker.

7. Turn on the three-speed (medium-speed) stirrer for about 1 minute.

8. After stirring, the bubbles are large, the juice is yellow, and the volume of the juice is slightly larger than the original (Figure 4).

Steps 9 to 12

9. Continue stirring for about one minute with three rounds, and the yolk begins to swell to twice its size, at which point the bubbles become medium-sized and the color remains yellow.

10. When the head of the egg is lifted, the juice immediately drips, preventing the formation of a continuous forged band.

11. Continue stirring for about two minutes in three steps.

12. At this point, the volume of the liquid is no longer large, but the bubbles have become smaller and the color has begun to turn white.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Continue stirring for about three minutes.

14. In the process of stirring, the juice will take on some subtle patterns.

15. At this point, the volume of the egg fluid does not change, but the bubbles change very slightly, and the color of the egg fluid turns white.

16. When the egg is laid, the liquid is in the form of a band, flowing from top to bottom, and the traces of the fall disappear slowly within five seconds, at which point the whole egg is released.

17. First, use a flour sieve to sift 1/2 of the flour into the spread eggs, then use a rubber scraper to fold up from the bottom, mixing the flour and the eggs roughly evenly.

18. (Start the oven at 180 degrees)

19. Add the remaining half of the flour and continue to fold it up from the bottom with a rubber scraper until the flour is fully mixed with the egg yolk, and the granular flour is not visible.

20. (Beware of controlling the time, too much time will cause the eggs to hatch)

21. Mix 20 grams of corn oil, 20 grams of fresh milk, and 1/16 teaspoon of salt into an emulsifying liquid in another small bowl, stirring with a manual egg beater until the oil dissolves in water.

22. Take 1/3 of the cake paste and mix it in a bowl with salad oil.

23. After mixing, pour back into the remaining 2/3 of the cake paste and mix thoroughly with a rubber scraper.

24. (Beware of controlling the time, too long the eggs will wither)

25. The last time the cake paste is mixed, it should be used immediately, otherwise it will melt.

26. Pour the cake paste into the mold and fill it with 8 minutes.

27. (You can use a spoon or carefully pour directly)

28. Baking time: Preheat the oven at 180 degrees and the middle layer at 160 degrees for 20 minutes.

29. It can be adjusted up and down according to the temperature of your oven.

30. The first time I made a whole-egg honey cake, it was an unexpected success.

31. Thank you for the video lesson on round pigs.

32. This little cake is full of color and smell.

Handy cooking tips

  When heating a whole egg with sugar, it must be heated while stirring.The temperature at which the water is heated is slowly heated with cold water until the cold water in the pot is slightly hot enough to extinguish the fire.The egg juice continues to be stirred separately from the water until the temperature is around human body temperature 36 degrees is the optimal temperature.The higher the sugar content in the eggs, the easier it is to spread, and the more stable the egg yolk bubbles are.So if you reduce your sugar intake, you're going to fail or you're going to have worse taste.Add the flour twice.If too much flour is added at once, it is not easy to mix. If it is added twice, it is easier to mix. If it is added twice, it is easier to mix.The most important thing is to stir the eggs faster and more vigorously, too long will cause the eggs to boil.A small portion of the cake paste and salad oil and fresh milk should be mixed first, if poured directly into the cake paste it will cause a bottom, not easy to mix.