Cherry cocoa cream cake

2023-10-29 21:47:27CAKE





40 grams of low-fat flour
Three eggs.
10 grams of cocoa powder
30 grams of corn oil
30 grams of milk
60 grams of fine sugar
10 grams of fine sugar
100 grams of cream
Cherries in moderation
A few drops of lemon.

How TO MADE Cherry cocoa cream cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the necessary materials.

2. (Put 20 grams of refined sugar, milk and corn oil in a deep bowl)

3. Separate the egg yolk from the protein, put the protein in a deep bowl without oil or water, drop a few drops of lemon juice into the protein, add 40 grams of fine sugar three times, until hard foam, raise the egg-making process in a straight triangle.

4. Add the egg yolk to a bowl of milk and beat until smooth.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Low-fat flour and cocoa powder are mixed and sifted into egg yolk paste.

6. Stir until smooth without particles.

7. The protein is divided into three parts and added to the egg yolk.

8. Stir evenly.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Pour the mixed cake paste into the mold and shake it vigorously for a few seconds, shaking the air bubbles inside.

10. Put in a preheated oven, heat the middle layer for 25 minutes at 150 degrees, turn it at 170 degrees for 25 minutes, bake well and immediately remove the upside down button from the baking net.

11. Cut into four pieces after fully cooling.

12. With a small circular mold, cut into small circles.

Steps 13 to 16

13. The cherry is cut into small pieces.

14. Add 10 grams of refined sugar to 100 grams of light cream and put it in a bag of flowers.

15. Take a plate and put a cake on it.

16. The cream is squeezed on top of the cake, the sliced cherries are put on top of the cake, and then a layer of cream is squeezed over the cherries and the cake slices, and the cream and the cherries are squeezed on top of the cake.

17. (It's a bit like a passphrase)

Handy cooking tips

  The cake is actually a kind of cake, and it can be made in the same way as a kind of cake.