Marble cheese cake

2023-10-29 21:47:52CAKE


  For me, cheesecake for afternoon tea is the ideal sunshine, a cup of black tea, a piece of cheesecake, lying lazy like a cat on a small couch on the balcony listening to music, writing letters, recording a day of happy life (very little mood).



150 grams of cheese
One egg.
40 grams of fine sugar
30 ml of animal fat
10 grams of cornstarch
That's one teaspoon of coffee powder.

How TO MADE Marble cheese cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. After softening the cheese, put it in a pot, heat it until it is completely softened, and add fine sugar.

2. Stir to a smooth, particle-free state with an electric egg beater

3. Add the eggs and stir evenly.

4. Remove the pot with the cheese and add the animal cream.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Sifted into cornstarch mixture

6. A layer of tin paper is poured into the mixed cheese paste.

7. When pouring into the mold, take a small spoonful of cheese paste and mix it with coffee powder

8. Use your teeth to glue some coffee cheese paste and draw your favorite patterns on the cheese cake paste.

9. The pan is poured with 2 cm of water, placed in the mold, the oven is preheated, the water bath method, 150 degrees medium cooking for about 60 minutes

Handy cooking tips

  A: After cooling, it is better to eat it in the refrigerator for more than 4 hours B: you can add a layer of crushed digested biscuits to the bottom of the cake C: the tin paper should be packed tightly to prevent water from seeping into the mold D: it is recommended to make cheesecake with a live base mold, because cheesecake is more fragile, it is quite difficult to remove the mold with a solid base mold