Chocolate and jelly cake

2023-10-29 21:49:33CAKE


  The coated chocolate must not be contaminated with water when it dissolves, otherwise it will not dissolve/condense.I have a sugar cream in my recipe, but the dry paste is better than the one on the market.



Cake embryo material: the right amount
Low powder 110 grams
Two eggs.
60 grams of flour
50 grams of butter
10 grams of cocoa powder
High melting point chocolate beans 30 grams
2 grams of flour
Decorative materials: moderate
Dark chocolate in moderation
Sugar cream in moderation
Drinks and snacks

How TO MADE Chocolate and jelly cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Low-powder foam powder and cocoa powder mixed with screening alternatives.

2. Eggs and sugar powder can be mixed together without the need for cooking.

3. Pour the flour mixture and high melting point chocolate beans into the egg solution and stir quickly (up and down to avoid stirring)

4. Pour into the melted butter and quickly stir up and down.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The cake liquid is filled with half a sphere in the bag, and the action should be a little faster so that the bubble powder does not fail.

6. Cover the mold and put it in a preheated oven to bake.

7. It burns at 185°C for about 12 minutes.

8. You can use a toothpick to test whether it's cooked: if the toothpick is not sticky, it means it's cooked.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Take advantage of the heat.

10. The cake can be decorated after it cools down.

11. The decoration is packaged after natural air drying.

12. It feels good to be wrapped in flowers!

13. White cake embryos are recommended with raw/light-colored embryos

14. Original flavors can be substituted for equal amounts of cocoa powder and flour, other flavors can be substituted for equal amounts of cocoa powder and other powders.


Handy cooking tips

  When the foam powder is exposed to water, the acidic and alkaline powders react by dissolving in water at the same time, and some of them begin to release carbon dioxide (CO2), while during the baking heating process, more gases are released, which cause the product to expand and soften.Foaming powder is also divided into "slow reaction foaming powder", "fast reaction foaming powder", "double reaction foaming powder" depending on the reaction speed.The fast-reacting bubble powder starts working when dissolved in water, while the slow-reacting bubble powder starts working during the baking heating process, where the "double-reaction bubble powder" has both the reaction characteristics of fast and slow-reaction bubble powder.The bubble powder purchased on the general market is called "double reaction bubble powder".Although bubble powder has the composition of soda powder, it is added to acidic powder (such as Tata powder) after careful testing to balance its acidity, so, basically, although soda powder is an alkaline substance, but commercially available bubble powder is a neutral powder, so soda powder and bubble powder cannot be arbitrarily replaced.As for cornstarch, which is used as a filler in blowing powder, it is mainly used to separate acidic powder from alkaline powder in blowing powder, avoiding their premature reaction.The foam powder should also be stored as far as possible to avoid moisture and premature expiry.You can't put too much powder in it, it's too bitter.