Quick and soft vegetable cake

2023-10-29 21:50:01CAKE


  I like to do things that don't involve technology, so it's quick and easy, you can even save eggs, it's hot in the morning, it's simple and nutritious, if you don't have masurilla cheese, don't add it, if you have hot rice, it's refreshing.



Eggs in moderation
Sausages or other meat and vegetables in moderation
Salt and black pepper in moderation
Masurilla cheese (no neglect) in moderation as desired

How TO MADE Quick and soft vegetable cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the food, all the ingredients are free, you can see for yourself.

2. Vegetables or favorite meats, mixed evenly with a moderate amount of salt and pepper powder

3. Add cheese at the bottom of the mold (or ignore it)

4. Put vegetables or your favorite meat in the mold

Steps 5 to 8

5. Pour into the egg juice

6. Surface samsung cheese (not to be overlooked)

7. Oven 170 degrees, about 15 minutes

8. It's hot.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Take advantage of the heat