Traditional durian cheese cake

2023-10-29 21:50:29CAKE


  The first time I made a cheesecake was also the first time I published a recipe, this square was taken while reading a book in a bookstore, sorry I forgot the name of the book and the author, it looks like it was made by a Korean.It's very simple to make, and it's not easy to fail, and I've made a little change myself, and I've added durian powder to make it taste like durian, and if you're not used to it, you don't have to add it.



125 grams of cream cheese
100 grams of raw yogurt
100 ml of cream
Two eggs.
A large spoonful of low-fat flour
25 grams of dried durian
50 grams of biscuits
25 grams of butter
50 grams of sugar
One teaspoon of lemon juice
A little bit of spice.

How TO MADE Traditional durian cheese cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. To prepare the ingredients, the durian dried in advance in the cooking machine into a powder, I used the Thai flax, dark red packaging, the durian flavor is still stronger

2. Digested biscuits are placed in a preservative bag, crushed with a flour stick, and mixed with melted butter.

3. The biscuits I'm using taste like the whole-wheat biscuits in the paper box, and I found that this is a very low-calorie biscuit.

4. A six-inch cake mold, wrapped in tin foil at the bottom, surrounded by butter, poured with stirred butter biscuits, and flattened with a spoon

Steps 5 to 8

5. The cream cheese is softened at room temperature, stirred until soft with a manual egg beater, added sugar at a time, stirred gently, then added eggs one by one and stirred evenly

6. Add low-fat flour to stir evenly

7. Add durian powder and stir evenly

8. Add the cream to the mixture evenly, and then add the lemon juice and the vanilla extract, which I didn't skip.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add the yogurt to the mixture evenly, I use homemade yogurt, very thick.

10. The mixed cheese is filtered with a filter to remove the hard particles.

11. Pour it into a mold, put it in a preheated 180°C oven, bake it for 50-60 minutes, adjust the time yourself, my oven temperature is relatively low and then bake it for 20 minutes.

12. This is what it looks like when it comes out of the oven.

13. When removing the mold, wrap it in a hot wet towel (heat in a microwave for 1-2 minutes) to loosen the cake

Handy cooking tips

  When cutting 1 cup of cake, you can prepare a cup of hot water and a piece of paper or a towel, first put the knife in the hot water, take out the dry cutter, then put the knife in the hot water, take out the dry cutter and cut it, then do this with each knife, so that the cut is smooth and smooth.2 tablespoons of ready-made cake, temporarily not eaten can be cut into small pieces and wrapped separately in a preservative film, refrigerated can be stored for 4-5 days, frozen seems to remember that it can be eaten for a month, frozen to be eaten before it is taken out and put in the refrigerator to warm up and eat again.