What is the name of the city?

2023-10-29 21:50:45CAKE





"250 grams of Mascarpene cheese"
Two eggs.
20 ml of rum
200 grams of cream
50 grams of white sugar
Finger cakes in moderation
Double the amount of coffee

How TO MADE What is the name of the city?

Steps 1 to 4

1. 250 grams of Mascarpene cheese at room temperature softened and smoothed

2. Add 20 ml of rum and 50 grams of sugar to the egg yolk.

3. The mixture is heated in hot water at about sixty degrees for more than one minute.

4. Take 200 grams of cream and beat it to 6 to 7 servings, which will swell with patterns but still have liquidity.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add cheese to the egg yolk mixture and stir

6. Add cream to the dough and stir for use.

7. A cup of instant coffee with double the concentration

8. Add a layer of egg yolk to the container

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put the finger cake in the coffee for a few seconds.

10. Finger cake with coffee on it

11. Repeat the above two steps once and then lightly pour the bottom of the container until there are no visible bubbles after filling, transfer to the refrigerator and refrigerate for more than 4 hours

12. Screen the cocoa powder before eating, decorate the fruit or not

Handy cooking tips

  This is the amount of a six-inch cake, in a mousse cup it's the amount of five cups, this is the amount of two cups, this is the soft version, this means that there must be a large container, if you want to eat the hard version, you can take it off and eat it, use 50 grams of milk plus 10 grams of fish paste or gelatin, heat the milk cooked and finally add 3 grams of white sugar in the egg yolk because I have a gallbladder problem.Note that vegetable cream does not contain cholesterol, especially the hydrogen content of gold diamonds is also zero, especially suitable for poor people like me to eat 4 cups of egg yolk when the insulation is heated, the temperature should not be too high, otherwise it will turn into egg yolk, and it must be enough for 1 minute, there are many bacteria in the egg yolk, that is a process of sterilization 5 cups of coffee concentration can be adjusted, I prefer strong coffee flavor, so I am especially strong coffee is boiled for a few seconds, if you do not like itDon't talk when you're eating, or you'll be crushed by cocoa powder!