Peanut butter cake

2023-10-29 21:51:14CAKE


  In addition to the nutritional value of soybeans, soybeans are also high in various vitamins and minerals.Not only do adults eat a lot of benefits, but its unique nutrition is more able to meet the growth and development requirements of children, rich in egg phosphate is one of the nutrients necessary for the development of the child's brain, it is a good intellectual food.It is also rich in dietary fiber and can prevent and relieve constipation in children.Maize requires iron for growth and also stores iron, not only is it high in iron, but it is also easily absorbed, and is a very good food source for children, the elderly, and women to supplement iron and prevent anemia.In addition, soybeans have a high calcium content.This summer I had a preference for beans, and after making beans ice cream, I started making beans mousse, and now beans that look like civilians have taken a glorious turn, and frogs have become princes, and everyone will fall in love with this pale green!



Six inches of wind
200 ml of animal fat
Gilatin two tablets
150 grams of milk
180 grams of cooked beans
Apple-flavored QQ sugar 40 grams

How TO MADE Peanut butter cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. To prepare the ingredients, first make a six-inch chihuahua cake, cut into two pieces, slightly cut the edges, cook the fresh beans and peel the beans.

2. Put 100 grams of soybeans and milk in the cooking machine to make soybean paste.

3. Gelatin is softened with cold water bubbles and then added to 50 g of milk insulation to melt and cool for use.

4. 30 grams of animal fat and refined sugar in a barely flowing state

Steps 5 to 8

5. Mixing mashed potatoes and cream

6. Add cooled gelatin to the mixture

7. Stir into a uniform beans mousse.

8. Take a six-inch cake mould, wrap it in tin foil to prevent the mousse from spilling, put a piece of cake on it, and pour it into a layer of mousse.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Put it in a piece of cake.

10. Pour all the remaining mousse into the smooth surface.

11. Place in the refrigerator for more than three hours to allow it to solidify.

12. Now we're going to make a mirror, and we're going to add a little bit of water to the apple-flavored QQ sugar, and we're going to heat it until it's completely melted.

Steps 13 to 16

13. QQ sugar solution cooled and gently poured over the mousse cake

14. Refrigerate in the refrigerator for more than 2 hours, until the QQ liquid is completely solidified.

15. Now you can remove the film, put the cake film on top of a tall cup, and turn it around with a hot towel next to it so that you can easily remove the film.

16. Put two beans on it!

Steps 17 to 20

17. When eating, the knife is washed with hot water and cut well.

18. Do you want a piece?