Baking machine cakes

2023-10-29 21:51:15CAKE





2 tablespoons of cooking oil
2 tablespoons of water
Three eggs
100 ml of cake flour and half a cup
25 ml of white sugar
1 g of flour

How TO MADE Baking machine cakes

Steps 1 to 4

1. Add water to the oil and stir evenly.

2. Separate the egg yolk.

3. Be careful that the container containing the egg yolk does not have water or oil, nor does it have a little egg yolk.

4. Clean the eggs, add white sugar three times, and make them look like the picture.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Stir the butter, pour into the water and oil, preheat the bread maker

6. Add the powder.

7. The flour can be sifted several times and stirred evenly until it reaches the egg yolk.

8. Method: cross-stir, or cut.

9. Pour into a container and bake for 30 minutes.

10. It's better to remove the membrane.

11. Good to see and good to eat.

12. It's sweet and soft.
