Shuffle cheese cake

2023-10-29 21:54:32CAKE


  You're my soufflé, which means you're a tough girl.I thought that the furnace could only sustain the feeling of expansion for a few minutes, but it's like that sentence, "If life is as it seems at first glance, then it collapses quickly".But we can still try to give people a taste of happiness even if life is no longer full.So we're not just making a plain egg-and-milk shuffle, mixed with fresh cheese and lemon juice, and when it's hot, it tastes like a cloud, and when it's cold, it tastes like a snow-covered cheesecake, and you know it's still a shuffle, but it's so different from a shuffle.I think that's what it means to constantly change yourself and still be true to yourself.



120 grams of cheese
Low flour 20 grams
One egg yolk
20 grams of butter
150 ml of milk
Two eggs.
30 grams of flour
6 ml of lemon juice
A few drops of herbs

How TO MADE Shuffle cheese cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. The waterproofing of the cheese is smoothly mixed, adding the scattered egg yolk, lemon juice, and a few drops of vanilla to make the cheese paste.

2. 20 g of melted butter.

3. 20 g of low powder is sifted into melted butter and mixed.

4. Add 150 ml of milk to the butter dough, waterproof it, heat it, stir it, it is very thin at first, after stirring for about 5 minutes, the resistance increases, the dough thickens, it is almost as thick as the dough, it becomes butter dough spare.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add 30 grams of powdered sugar to two eggs and distribute to eight people.

6. The cheese paste from step 1 and the butter paste from step 4 are mixed evenly, added in turn to the scrambled egg yolk, and stirred evenly.

7. To pour the dough into the mold, use a high-temperature glass mold and a ceramic bowl, the paper cup in the picture is not suitable and can easily collapse.

8. Put in a preheated oven, tube up and down 170 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Steps 9 to 12

9. I don't have a Shuffle ceramic bowl, so I used this high-temperature pudding cup, which I thought was very useful, very warm, and collapsed much slower.

10. It's so delicious and soft to eat while it's hot!

11. My mood comic.

12. More mood cartoons from the following my cartoon public number: shredded cartoons.

13. Dedicated to healing you and me behind the boom


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