Cotton cake

2023-10-29 21:55:45CAKE


  Listening to the name, you know the taste of this cake, it's as soft and delicate as cotton, can't wait to taste it, this cake was actually made some time ago, the taste is great, but I've always been not satisfied with the photos, so I didn't put it up, I looked at the photos today, and I thought it was over, so I put it up as a souvenir.



Low flour 50 grams
50 grams of refined milk
35 grams of butter
30 grams of whole eggs
Protein three.
Three eggs.
50 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Cotton cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the butter, cut the spare pieces.

2. Boil the butter on a small fire.

3. While the butter is boiling, the screened flour is poured into it, and the fire is turned off, stirring evenly into a butter-hot dough.

4. Pour the milk into the hot dough in butter and stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the egg yolk and whole egg juice to the dough.

6. Stir evenly to make an egg dough.

7. The protein is gradually added to the fine sugar and stirred to a moist foaming state.

8. Add the cooked protein to the egg dough in the first two batches, stirring from the bottom up with a scraper, do not circle, otherwise it is easy to cause the protein to melt.

Steps 9 to 12

9. For the last time, the mixed dough is poured back into the protein bowl and stirred evenly.

10. Pour the mixed dough into the baking tray, which is pre-coated with baking paper.

11. Place the middle layer in a preheated 175-degree oven for 20 minutes, adjusting the time according to your oven.

12. This is delicious, but you can also wait for the cake to cool down and cut it in half, put your favorite jam in the middle, and then cut it into pieces.


Handy cooking tips

  If it's okay to make a sponge cake, you can make this cake.2 My cotton cake is not as dark as yours, if you like dark colors, you can bake it again 3 pieces of baked cake, tear the edges of the baking paper, put it on the cooling rack to cool, or you can tear the whole baking paper when it's hot, I don't feel like it, tear it when it's cold.