Pumpkin and cheese cake

2023-10-29 21:55:46CAKE


  Pumpkins are a very healthy food, but I don't like to eat them like this, and today's cake is a combination of the strong smell of cheese and the fresh smell of pumpkins.Although it's autumn, it's still hot, and this heat will last for a long time, the heart is always waiting for when it will cool down, golden yellow is the color of autumn, use color to imagine the cool autumn coming.



250 grams of cheese
135 grams of pumpkin
One egg.
One egg yolk
80 grams of biscuits
40 grams of butter
50 grams of fine sugar

How TO MADE Pumpkin and cheese cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Take the cheese out of the fridge and soften it in a large bowl.

2. Ready to digest cookies, this time the digestive cookies are darker than the last one, the color contrast is better.

3. Put the biscuits in a bag and grind them into a powder with a doughnut stick.

4. Try to break it as little as possible so that it doesn't break easily when you cut it after baking.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Heating butter to melt it into a liquid.

6. Pour the crushed biscuits into the pan.

7. Use a tool or by hand to mix the butter and biscuit powder completely evenly, I use my hands, it feels a little more even.

8. The mixed biscuits are then poured into a round mold, pressed as flat as possible with the back of the spoon, and placed in the refrigerator for refrigeration.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add fine sugar to the cheese.

10. Using an egg beater to smooth the state.

11. Add eggs and egg yolks to the cheese.

12. Stir evenly with an egg mixer.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Steam the pumpkin, heat it for about 20 minutes, steam it soft, then press the pumpkin into pumpkin paste.

14. Pour the pumpkin paste into the cheese paste and stir evenly with the egg beater.

15. Add the milk and stir evenly, and the cheese paste is completely done.

16. Pour the cheese paste on top of the biscuit and bake it in the oven in a water bath for 65 minutes.

Steps 17 to 20

17. After the baked cake is cooled, put it in the refrigerator for at least four hours, and I'll take it out overnight.


Handy cooking tips

  There's also lemon peel and cinnamon powder in the original recipe, which I didn't add because I don't like lemon peel and cinnamon powder.Your cookie base recipe feels thick, and I've reduced the amount of cookies and butter.When steaming 2 tablespoons of pumpkin, to avoid too much water, it can be covered with a preservative film, but when I finally steamed it, there was still water, I poured the water and pressed it into clay.I've been baking for 65 minutes, but I feel like I can go a little longer, depending on how the oven is at home.