Sponge cake

2023-10-29 21:55:48CAKE





Four eggs.
Low powder 120 grams
30 grams of butter
Fine sugar 100 (I lost 60 grams)

How TO MADE Sponge cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Four eggs in a large, clean container.

2. It is cooked slowly with 30 grams of fine sugar.

3. Stir for another 10 seconds, add 30 grams of fine sugar, and stir at high speed.

4. The color of the egg yolk fades and the volume begins to swell.

Steps 5 to 8

5. If the egg on the stirring stick drips, it means that the egg is not ready yet, so keep stirring.

6. Keep hitting the egg juice thick, raise the egg batter, the pattern of the egg juice will not disappear, the egg juice on the stirring stick of the egg batter will not drop.

7. The butter is dissolved in water, added to the egg juice, and stirred evenly.

8. This time the oven is preheated to 180 degrees.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Low screening powder.

10. After sifting, the low powder is added to the egg solution three times, stirring evenly on the irregular ground.

11. Brush a layer of butter or sesame oil on an eight-square grinder.

12. Pour the cake paste into it, shake it hard twice, and bake it in the oven for about 30 minutes.
