Orange and lemon cake

2023-10-29 21:59:04CAKE


  In general, we make mousse cakes with gelatin or fish paste, which are more common ingredients in baking; but if not? There is another way, you can use QQ sugar.Ingredients: cake body: 4 eggs, fine sugar 80g, low starch flour 60g, corn oil 20g, milk 30g mousse paste: sweet cream 200g, sugar powder 20g, boiling water 60g, orange flavored QQ sugar 70g jelly layer: orange flavored QQ sugar 210g, boiling water 180g, milk 60g



Four eggs.
80 grams of fine sugar
60 grams of low-fat flour
20 grams of corn oil
30 grams of milk
200 grams of cream
20 grams of flour
60 grams of water
70 grams of orange flavored QQ sugar
Orange flavored QQ sugar 210 grams
60 grams of milk
180 grams of water

How TO MADE Orange and lemon cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Add 10 g of sugar to 4 eggs and stir evenly.

2. Add 20 g of corn oil and stir evenly.

3. Add 30 g of milk and stir evenly.

4. Screening low-fat flour

Steps 5 to 8

5. Mixed up

6. Add 70 grams of sugar to 4 proteins

7. Extract some of the protein and pour it into the egg yolk.

8. Stir evenly

Steps 9 to 12

9. Back to the protein basin.

10. Continue to stir evenly

11. Pour into a non-sticky pan and scrape the surface with a scraper.

12. After a few drops, put in the middle layer of the preheated oven, 180 degrees, for about 20 minutes.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Dry on the stove (no need to turn it over)

14. After cooling, remove the mold and apply it to the oil paper.

15. Press the desired shape with a cutting mold

16. Find the chassis and put the cut cake and the cut mold in reserve.

Steps 17 to 20

17. QQ 70 g of sugar and 60 g of boiling water mixed and mixed so that the sugar melts in water and dries for cooling

18. Add 20 grams of sugar powder to 200 grams of soft cream, add ice water to 6 to 7 servings

19. Added QQ sugar water

20. Keep stirring evenly, and the mousse is done.

Steps 21 to 24

21. Pour the mousse into the cutting mold of the cake (be careful not to fill it up, leaving about 1/3 of the height), then refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

22. Add 210 g of QQ sugar to 180 g of boiling water and dry.

23. 60 grams of milk

24. Mixing evenly is jelly.

Steps 25 to 28

25. Remove the molded mousse cake from the refrigerator, pour it into the jelly until it is full, and then continue to refrigerate it until it solidifies and is ready for consumption.

Handy cooking tips

  1. the mixed cake dough is poured directly into the non-sticky baking tray for baking, the baking tray does not need any processing; 2. the baked cake does not need to be turned upside down after coming out of the oven, it is cooled directly in the baking tray; then the edges of the cake around the baking tray are cut off and turned upside down on the padded oil paper; 3.