Red tea apple cheese pound cake

2023-10-29 22:03:33CAKE


  The sour sweetness of the apple, the fresh aroma of the black tea, the thickness of the pound cake itself, the perfect combination, the taste is lovely! I think this cake, even without coffee or black tea, will not be boring to eat directly!



70 grams of cheese
110 grams of low-fat flour
3 eggs (approximately 55 grams each)
Half a teaspoon
One apple.
65 grams of fermented butter
1/4 teaspoon of powder without aluminum foam
75 grams of fine sugar
A spoonful of rum

How TO MADE Red tea apple cheese pound cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare the ingredients, pre-heat the butter, cream, cheese and eggs to room temperature, mix the low-fat flour with the baking powder and sieve 2 to 3 times;

2. After softening the butter so that it can be easily pressed with the hand, stir it smoothly with a scraper to give it a creamy appearance;

3. Add softened cream cheese and continue stirring with a scraper until evenly smooth and particle-free;

4. Add 3/4 of fine sugar, stir evenly, then add black tea leaves, and continue stirring evenly;

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the egg yolk one by one, each time waiting for the egg yolk to mix evenly with the cream cheese paste before adding the next one;

6. Place the mixed egg yolk on one side, cover with a lid, and prepare;

7. Place the protein in another clean, oil-free, water-free bowl, add a little lemon juice, stir until the fish is coarse, and then add the remaining 1/4 of fine sugar to send the protein to a moist foaming state;

8. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Take one-third of the protein, add it to the egg yolk cheese paste, cut it with a razor blade or stir evenly;

10. Sieve into the dry powder mixture and stir evenly with a scraper;

11. Add the remaining protein cream twice, stirring evenly with the same scraper;

12. The final mixture of the cake paste should be delicate and smooth, and after scraping the knife in advance, the cake paste can flow like satin;

Steps 13 to 16

13. Put the cake dough in the mold.

14. If the mold is adhesive-resistant, pre-coat the oil pad with oil paper;

15. After preheating, the mold is placed in the oven, in the middle layer, on high heat, 180 degrees, first baked for 10 minutes.

16. During this time, the apples are cut and a layer of dried powder is applied to the surface of the apples.

17. After 10 minutes, remove the mold, insert the apple pieces vertically into the cake paste, then put them in the oven, continue at 180 degrees, bake for about 20 to 25 minutes.

18. During this period, a layer of tin foil may be applied if the surface turns too quickly;

19. After baking, remove the mold.

20. You can test it with a toothpick.

21. If the toothpick is inserted into the cake and there is no attachment when it is removed, then it is baked.

22. Remove the mold from the baked cake, put it on the drying net, and then use the heat to rub the rum on the surface of the cake;

23. After completely drying, wrapped in tin paper, sealed and refrigerated, the personal feeling is better to eat after 2 days.


Handy cooking tips

  1. The original mold used was 18 x 8 x 6 cm long and baked for 10 + 30 minutes.I used a rabbit's mini pound cake mold (about 13 x 6 cm at the bottom, about 16 x 9.5 cm at the top, about 5.2 cm high) and baked three small cakes, baking time was about 10 + 25 minutes.If there is no time to soften the cream cheese in advance, it can be wrapped in a preservative film and then softened in a microwave.But make sure that the eggs, butter, and cream cheese are soft enough, otherwise it's easy to get particles during the mixing process; 3.If ordinary eggs are used, the color will be softer; 4. when mixing the cake paste, be careful not to draw circles, you can scribble the bottom or use an irregular method of slicing.The book does not emphasize refrigeration, and I personally think that refrigeration makes the taste more intense.