Cotton cake

2023-10-29 22:04:07CAKE


  Cotton cake, listening to the name, you know that the taste of this cake belongs to the dense and soft type, it is absolutely suitable for cotton, you can apply jam, cream, etc., or you can not add anything, cut directly to eat, the delicate and dense taste accompanied by light cream will definitely not stop you!



60 grams of butter
80 grams of milk
Low flour 80 grams
Six eggs
90 grams of fine sugar
1 gram of salt
3 drops of lemon juice

How TO MADE Cotton cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Prepare five eggs, egg yolk and protein separated, one whole egg

2. Cut the butter and put it in the pan.

3. When the small fire is heated until the butter boils, turn it off immediately.

4. While the butter is boiling, the powder is poured in and stirred evenly to make a hot dough.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add one whole egg to the dough, gently stir up and down with a rubber scraper, and add the remaining five scattered egg yolks, stirring evenly.

6. Pour into the milk and stir evenly.

7. Mixed into a thin paste in a liquid state

8. The remaining 5 eggs are mixed with salt and lemon juice, and the electric egg beater is beaten slowly until the fish eyes bubble and 1/3 of the fine sugar is added.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Continue to stir until the protein is thick, add 1/3 of the fine sugar when the foam is thicker, then continue to stir the protein until the remaining 1/3 of the fine sugar is added when the pattern appears, continue to stir for a little while, lift the egg beater, when the pointed edge appears and the end bends slightly down is a semi-dry foam

10. Take 1/3 of the protein paste and mix it gently up and down.

11. The mixed dough is then poured back into the original 2/3 protein dough and stirred evenly in the same way to make a thick, delicate cake dough.

12. Pour the cake dough into a non-sticky cake mold and gently shake it to remove the bubbles.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Preheat the oven to 140 degrees and bake on the middle layer of the oven for 60 minutes

14. After baking, remove the cake and put it upside down on the drying rack, or not.

15. After cooling, the mold is removed and the slices are ready to eat, or can be eaten with jam, cream, and fruit.

Handy cooking tips

  1 tablespoon of butter must be cooked on a low flame, and when the butter is boiling, the fire must be turned off immediately, and the flour must be mixed to make a hot dough, which is then easily mixed with the protein when stirred, without causing the protein to dissipate 2 tablespoons can also be used in the same water bath method as light cheese cake