What is the name of the city?

2023-10-29 22:04:30CAKE


  Tiramisu, when I first heard the name, I thought it was beautiful, even though I didn't know what it meant.After knowing its story, I felt that it was love, and I fell deeply in love with its taste, and there was no cure for the feeling I couldn't get rid of.



250 grams of Mascarpene cheese
60 grams of low-fat flour
Coffee and kahlua 200 grams
Two eggs.
Three eggs.
Fine sugar 70 grams (added water)
2 tablets of gelatin (5 tablets) grams
60 grams of water
Sugar powder in moderation
Cocoa powder in moderation

How TO MADE What is the name of the city?

Steps 1 to 4

1. All materials are ready.

2. Separate the eggs with a separator and put them in two separate egg bowls.

3. The fine sugar is added three times to the egg whites to create a sharp, smooth, delicate texture.

4. Don't forget to add the fine sugar too.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Mix the protein cream with the egg yolk, add the flour and stir evenly

6. If you don't have a friend, you can't do it, you can cut a mouth and squeeze out the long strip.

7. Put in the middle layer of the oven 170 degrees, 20 minutes.

8. Roast until the surface is golden yellow, take it out and put it next to the spare.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Boil on low heat with fine sugar and water.

10. Boiling sugar water is added to the egg yolk paste, when you start adding it, add it a little slowly, otherwise it will be too hot because the sugar water will heat the egg yolk, clump, affect the taste of the mousse oh, it will swell to 3 times bigger, turn white, thick and appear patterns and do not feel the obvious temperature can be (gillatin boil cold water in the refrigerator)

11. The waterproofing melts the gelatin.

12. Gelatin poured into the egg yolk.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Mix the mascarpone cheese smoothly with an egg beater

14. The egg yolk is poured in half into the mascarpone cheese, mixed evenly, pressed and stirred together until there are no cheese particles.

15. Add the cheese paste to the remaining egg yolk and stir evenly.

16. This is the end of the great work of Tiramisu.

17. The finger biscuits are rolled around in the coffee wine and taken out and put aside to allow the finger biscuits to absorb the wine on the surface.

18. Then put it in the bottom of the mold and pour it into the tiramisu paste.

19. A layer of finger biscuits and a layer of tiramisu are poured into the space until the entire mold is filled, placed in the refrigerator and refrigerated for at least five hours, preferably overnight.

20. After refrigerating overnight, you can decorate the tiramisu with cocoa powder and sugar powder.

21. And a few cups, by the way.

22. With a cup of champagne coffee, the perfect afternoon tea is here!