Castor cherry cake

2023-10-29 22:04:52CAKE


  2015 everyone is a gourmet, it's an honor to win the baking rookie award, to get the Haier baked dolphin smart oven home...From a novice baker to now being able to bake delicious food for my family, it's been a bit of a failure, but the encouragement of the gourmets has given me a lot of confidence, and I'm very grateful for the opportunity given by Big Cook and Haier Group....The Heidelberg Smart Oven, whose opening is reflected in the blinds, is an atmospheric black case, gray handle, and clear glass door.



Four eggs.
70 grams of milk
40 grams of corn oil
40 grams of white sugar
Drops of white vinegar
40 grams of white sugar
Two eggs.
15 grams of flour

How TO MADE Castor cherry cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Egg yolk and egg yolk are separated.

2. Add milk and corn oil to the egg yolk and stir evenly, sifting the powder.

3. Stir into egg yolk paste.

4. The egg whites are dried and frozen.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add the egg yolk to the dough three times, stirring evenly each time, and then put the egg yolk to bubble.

6. Put it in the mold.

7. Put it in the oven at 180 degrees for 18 minutes.

8. Take out the cake and cool it down.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Egg yolk with white sugar.

10. Hit your hair with an egg beater.

11. Add the boiled milk and stir while adding the milk.

12. The powder in the sieve is stirred thoroughly and evenly.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Put it in the pot.

14. Heat it on a small fire, heat it while stirring, and that's it.

15. Put it in a flower bag.

16. It's all over the cake.

Steps 17 to 20

17. It is decorated with cherries, and it is a beautiful cassava cherry cake.

18. .

19. .


Handy cooking tips

  The powder in the dough must be thoroughly mixed, so that the dough is delicate.