The Bhimus cake

2023-10-29 22:04:58CAKE


  The blue sea water, the white shells, the sea breeze blowing in the face, the cake can also have the taste of the sea.In the heat of the summer, make a cake with a tropical flavor, it looks very fresh, the sour taste of yogurt combined with the sweetness of cream cheese transforms the taste in the mouth, it is a refreshing cake in the summer.I love the way it sounds, the way it sounds, the way it sounds, the way it sounds.



Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (200 grams)
10 pieces of digestive biscuits (floor decoration)
80 grams of Oreo biscuits
200 grams of cream cheese
300 grams of animal cream
Gelatin tablets (mousse) 3 tablets (15 g)
10 grams of coconut (facing decoration)
Blue food coloring (face decoration) in moderation
30 grams of butter
100 grams of raw yogurt
30 grams of refined sugar (mousse)
White chocolate (facing decoration) in moderation
2 slices of gelatin (facing decoration) (10 grams)

How TO MADE The Bhimus cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Let's make the bottom of the mousse cake first.

2. Oreo biscuits are packed in preservative bags and crushed with a doughnut stick.

3. In powder form

4. Melt 50 grams of butter into a liquid

Steps 5 to 8

5. Then add the oil to the biscuits and mix them evenly with a silicone scraper.

6. Butter Olio biscuits are placed in a cake mold, flattened and compressed with a silicone scraper

7. Then put the mold in the refrigerator.

8. Secondly, it is used for decorative shells.

Steps 9 to 12

9. The white chocolate is placed in a flower bag and thawed in hot water at about 40 °C.

10. Cut the tip of the bag after the chocolate has melted.

11. When squeezing chocolate into the shell mold, care should be taken to start squeezing from the deepest part of the mold, avoiding hollow shells in the mold, affecting the aesthetics.

12. Finally, put the mold in the refrigerator and freeze the hard chocolate.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Come down and do the blue ocean part of the decoration.

14. Place one-and-a-half and one-and-a-half gelatin tablets in two bowls, soften them with cold drinking water, and then control the excess moisture.

15. The waterproofing is then heated to clarified gelatin.

16. Split the snow into 150 grams and 50 grams, adding the appropriate amount of blue food coloring, of which 150 grams are darker in color and 50 grams are lighter in color.

Steps 17 to 20

17. The amount of pigment is low, and you can get a little bit of it with a toothpick.

18. Then pour 1.5 tablets of gelatin into 150 grams of snowflake, 0.5 tablets of gelatin into 50 grams of snowflake, stir thoroughly and place in the refrigerator refrigerator.

19. The beach is made from digested biscuits.

20. The digested biscuits are placed in a preservative bag and crushed with a doughnut stick.

Steps 21 to 24

21. The biscuits should be as crumbly as possible.

22. Below is the Muses.

23. Pour the cheese, yogurt, and fine sugar into the egg-making bowl.

24. The pan is placed in hot water at about 50 °C and fully stirred to a smooth state with an electric egg beater.

25. Animal cream can be stirred with an electric egg beater until it has just formed a pattern, without having to be completely spread.

26. Prepare three gelatin tablets as step 5 for the gelatin solution.

27. Mix the yogurt and animal cream evenly, add the gelatin, and stir evenly again.

28. Pour into the cake model and refrigerate until the mousse solidifies (approximately 2 to 3 hours)

29. Remove the condensed mousse cake from the refrigerator and put a glass under the cake mold.

30. Then gently cover the surroundings of the mold with a hot towel for about 8 to 10 seconds, letting the mold fall naturally, and the cake comes off.

31. The cake is surrounded by transparent mousse, and then the decoration of the cake begins.

32. The blue snowflake is divided into small pieces (not very regularly).

33. The top is covered with dark snow.

34. Then spread the light color to about the middle position, and then spread the digestive biscuits from the bottom up.

35. At the intersection of the two, the coconut is sprinkled, and finally the chocolate shell is placed.

36. The cake can be wrapped and delivered with decorative ribbons around the outside.

Handy cooking tips

  1. Soft foam gelatin must be cold water, and the water is drinkable water, not tap water, because mousse cake does not have a high-temperature disinfection process.2. Organic cooking dough, with a cooking machine dry grinding cup will better grind the biscuits into powder.3.Cream cheese must be waterproofed, heated, and stirred, so that the processed cream cheese is smooth, without particles, and has a good taste.4. If vegetable cream is substituted for animal cream, since vegetable cream generally contains sugar, the amount of sugar in cheese yogurt should be reduced appropriately, specifically adjusted according to the taste of the population.5. The chocolate used to make the shell must be melted, melted, and then cut.The water temperature can't be too high.