Banana fried cake

2023-10-29 22:09:20CAKE


  It is one of the most popular cakes in the world.The texture of the chihuahua cake is unusually soft, and if the same weight of whole egg mixed sponge cake dough is baked at the same time as the chihuahua cake dough, then the volume of the chihuahua cake may be twice that of the former.The flavor of the cake is soft and sweet, and it is an essential leisure food for outdoor travelers and cinemas.Although it is very soft, it has an elastic and non-smooth feel, and it is delicious to eat with a variety of sauces.In addition, Chihuahua cakes can also be made into various cake rolls, Boston pies, etc.Today's bananas are added to the cake, and the baked cake has an extra sweet flavor, filling the house with fragrance, while the taste is still very soft.This cake is low in fat, low in sugar, and very healthy.Bananas are a good choice for those who want to lose weight.Banana tastes sweet and cold, and has a high medicinal value.It is mainly used to cleanse the stomach, treat constipation, and has the effect of cleansing, lubricating the lungs, suppressing thirst, filling the esophagus, dissolving alcohol poisoning, etc.Due to the cold nature of bananas, people with cold stomach, stomach pain, and diarrhea should eat less, and those with excess stomach acid should eat as little as possible.



Three eggs.
100 grams of bananas
30 grams of corn oil
20 grams of water
70 grams of low-fat flour
30 grams of white sugar

How TO MADE Banana fried cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. A slightly ripe banana is pressed into clay with a fork.

2. Add water and oil to stir evenly

3. Low starch flour mixed with sieve.

4. Separate the egg yolk and add the 3 egg yolks.

Steps 5 to 8

5. The egg whites are divided three times and added to the white sugar to create a hard foam.

6. Take 1/3 of the protein and mix the egg yolk evenly, then add the remaining protein and mix evenly.

7. The cake paste is poured into the mold, shaken to remove the bubbles, and the oven is preheated to 130 degrees.

8. 130 degrees for 20 minutes, then 160 degrees for about 15 minutes, and then you can turn it upside down and cool it off.