Shuffle cheese cake

2023-10-29 22:11:22CAKE


  The other day I made a cheese-free soufflé, a cheese cake that has always been my little bear's favorite, and how could I not try the soufflé with cheese?Shuffle with cheese is best made in the evening, and after it is done, it is stored in the refrigerator for a night and can be eaten the next day.It's very delicate, but I don't know if it's my taste buds, I think it tastes a lot like the cheesecake I used to make.



300 grams of butter and cheese
45 grams of butter
57 grams of egg yolk
11 grams of cornstarch
150 grams of milk
95 grams of egg whites
Fine sugar (in egg yolk) 20 g
55 grams of refined sugar (in protein)

How TO MADE Shuffle cheese cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. The cheese is smoothly stirred after softening the insulating water.

2. Added dissolved butter.

3. Stir evenly and reserve.

4. Add sugar to the egg yolk and stir evenly.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Add cornstarch and stir.

6. Pour the boiled milk into the egg yolk and stir it upside down.

7. The mixed egg yolk is then heated over a small fire, stirred while heating, and turned off after forming a paste.

8. Pour the egg yolk into the cheese paste and stir evenly.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Cover with a wet cloth.

10. The protein is frozen in the refrigerator until it is slightly thin, then removed, sugared three times, and the protein is stirred to a moist frozen state.

11. The protein is mixed evenly with the cheese three times.

12. Baking paper is poured into the cheese paste, the surface is slightly flattened, and it is baked in the oven.


Handy cooking tips

  6 round mold ingredients: cream cheese 300 grams of butter 45 grams of egg yolk 57 grams of refined sugar 20 grams of corn starch 11 grams of milk 150 grams of egg yolk 95 grams of refined sugar 55 grams of protein baking: water bath method, lower layer in the oven, first baked at 180 degrees for 15 minutes, then baked at 160 degrees for 25 minutes, finally baked at 200 degrees for 5 minutes, baked well without removing color, baked in the oven for 40-60 minutes, then removed and refrigerated in the refrigerator, cut for consumption the next dayBy freezing the protein, it can be made less prone to overexposure, and the protein will be more delicate.I used the baking time on the net, and then I baked it at 200 degrees for five minutes, but my cake surface didn't have any color, and then the baking would crack, and I didn't bake it again, so it tasted good.