Cake with tea

2023-10-29 22:11:52CAKE


  A faint sweetness, a faint fragrance of milk, a faint fragrance of matcha, that's how the taste is revived...



Four eggs.
"66 grams of high-quality flour"
10 grams of tea powder
20 ml of honey
20 ml of corn oil
20 ml of flavoring
70 grams of sugar

How TO MADE Cake with tea

Steps 1 to 4

1. Cut wooden molds into oil-paper pads of the same size and place them on a tin-paper baking tray.

2. The tea powder is mixed with high starch flour and sifted three times.

3. Egg yolk protein is isolated.

4. Put 40 grams of sugar in the egg yolk bowl and stir with the eggs until the sugar is evenly melted.

5. Add honey-flavored corn oil and stir evenly.

6. Pour into the powder and stir evenly.

7. Stir into a ribbon-shaped egg yolk paste.

8. Add 40 grams of refined sugar three times and serve at medium speed.

9. It is distributed to dry foam, about nine times.

10. Take 1/3 of the protein and mix it evenly in the egg yolk dough.

11. Pour back into the protein and stir quickly and evenly.

12. Pour into the wooden mold, fill about three-quarters, and remove the large bubbles with a bamboo knife.

13. The oven is preheated to 180 degrees, the middle and lower layers are baked for 10 minutes, then the cake is covered with colored tin paper; the oven is cooled to 170 degrees, baked for 40-45 minutes.

14. After removal, it is immediately folded upside down on a flat, heat-resistant preservative film; after cooling the whole, remove the mold and tear the oil paper slices from the cake for consumption.


Handy cooking tips

  Use high-quality flour to give it a Q flavor, the dough must be mixed evenly.2 The internal organization of the Nagasaki cake must be thick and thick (i.e. the surface must not have holes), and the appearance must be as flat as the scale When cutting the cake, make sure the knife is clean to prevent the appearance of cake crumbs.