Chocolate mouse tower

2023-10-29 22:12:14CAKE





60 grams of butter can be used
30 grams of flour
One whole egg.
170 grams of low-fat flour
30 grams of flour
One whole egg.
75 grams of low-fat flour
70 grams of butter
15 ml of milk
A little vanilla powder
Fresh cream in moderation
Chocolate in moderation

How TO MADE Chocolate mouse tower

Steps 1 to 4

1. The butter is softened at room temperature, mixed with 30 grams of powdered sugar and stirred evenly.

2. Add 1 whole egg juice to the mixture.

3. Sift into 170 grams of low-strength powder.

4. And the dough.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Grind the dough and cut it into small pieces.

6. The sliced dough is pressed flat and placed in a tower mold.

7. The skin of the face is pressed evenly along the skin of the face.

8. Cut off the excess tapioca spare.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Do all the tapis this time.

10. 70 grams of butter softened at room temperature mixed with sugar powder.

11. Add 1 egg juice and stir evenly.

12. Add 15 ml of milk and stir.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Sift into 75 grams of low-strength powder.

14. Stir evenly to make the filling.

15. The filling is placed in a flower bag and then squeezed into a tower cup for baking.

16. The oven is preheated in advance, 200 degrees, 30 minutes, after baking it is removed from the mold and cooled as a backup.

Steps 17 to 20

17. The cream is poured into a bag of flowers and squeezed into a cooling tower.

18. The chocolate is heated to melt.

19. Melted chocolate dipped on the surface of the cream tower.

20. The ears are then squeezed with chocolate liquid to decorate the tower.
