German thousand-layer cake

2023-10-29 22:14:04CAKE


  The authentic practice is a special roller, which is wrapped in a layer of paste in a trough filled with cake paste at the bottom, rises into the oven above and rotates the baking, until it is evenly cooked, then goes down to the cake paste, then rises into the oven and bakes one layer.This is repeated dozens of times until it forms a tree-like layer.Cake lovers know that cake skins are the most fragrant, this cake, layers have the fragrance of cake skins, the solid flavor is different.Although it costs money to cook, it's worth it when you take a bite and the strong smell circulates in your mouth!



250 grams of butter
220 g of white sugar
150 grams of flour
100 grams of cornstarch
Proteins 4 and 2
Egg whites 6
A spoonful of flour
Three tablespoons of rum
Chocolate (covered) 100 grams
150 grams of light cream

How TO MADE German thousand-layer cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Raw materials

2. I replaced the rum with a specialty South African amarula cream fruit wine, which has a stronger and more unique aroma.

3. Mix flour, cornstarch, baking powder, and sift three times.

4. Butter with most of the sugar in loose hair (leaving a small amount of sugar for protein)

Steps 5 to 8

5. Gradually added to the egg yolk.

6. Add the rum (I'm adding the cream fruit wine) and add two proteins.

7. The powder is gradually added to form a uniform dough.

8. Four proteins plus the remaining sugars are boiled to a dry foam.

Steps 9 to 12

9. Add to the dough and stir.

10. Mix all the eggs in a bowl.

11. The mold is oiled and powdered.

12. Put three tablespoons of dough in the mold.

Steps 13 to 16

13. Use the bottom of the spoon to gently smear the surface to distribute it evenly into a thin layer.

14. Put it in the oven, use the barbecue function (note, not baking, but grilling of the roast meat, grill) for three to four minutes, until the surface is golden yellow, remove the grill

15. Add three tablespoons of flour to the mixture.

16. (The first layer is more difficult to open because of the dry powder at the bottom of the module, and the subsequent layers are easier to open.)

17. Put it back in the oven and continue to repeat the same steps for three to five minutes.

18. This is repeated a dozen times until the dough is completely cooked.

19. 100 grams of chocolate with 150 grams of light cream, heated in the microwave for 1 minute, mixed into a chocolate paste and applied to the outside of the cake.

20. A little bit of light cream, squeeze out the spiral pattern and apply it to the chocolate coating.

21. With a toothpick or a knife, draw a radial pattern from the center to the outside.

22. Cut in one piece, layered patterns resemble the annual rings and texture of the trees.

23. After a bite, the strong scent melts into the tip of the tongue and the mouth, making it difficult to resist its charm.

24. The hard work was worth it!