Small cake

2023-10-29 22:14:59CAKE





100 grams of low-fat flour
Five eggs
40 ml of vegetable oil
15 g of white sugar
45 g of white sugar
Dried grapes or other dried fruits

How TO MADE Small cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Five eggs, egg yolk in two separate bowls.

2. Spread the egg yolk, add 15 g of white sugar, stir evenly.

3. Add the vegetable oil and stir evenly.

4. Scrambled eggs, automatic scrambled eggs for 10 seconds, put in about a third of 45 g of white sugar.

5. At 20 seconds, put it in one-third.

6. Add the remaining white sugar for another 20 seconds.

7. High-speed delivery to creamy.

8. The egg yolk is usually poured into the egg solution bowl and stirred evenly.

9. The mixed egg juice is poured into the remaining half of the egg clearance bowl and stirred evenly.

10. Pour all the flour into the bowl and stir evenly.

11. Add boldly and stir evenly.

12. The oven is preheated at 160 degrees.

13. Pour the mixed liquid into the flower pot and pour it evenly into the mold.

14. I can make about 18 small cakes.

15. Roasted in two batches.

16. 160 degrees for 30 minutes.

17. Get out of the oven.
