Yoghurt cake

2023-10-29 22:16:34CAKE


  I haven't had cheesecake in a long time.I miss the taste, but the high energy makes me shudder.I just made a can of yogurt, so try making this cake, it tastes good.It's still a little bit hot, but it's better than cream cheese -- that's a lot.The freshly baked cake is still soft and soft, and after a night of refrigeration, the taste is more moisturized, soft and slightly striped.



Protein three.
Three eggs.
25 grams of animal fat
40 grams of fine sugar
30 grams of low-fat flour
15 grams of cornstarch
A few drops of lemon.
120 grams of homemade yogurt
35 grams of unsalted butter

How TO MADE Yoghurt cake

Steps 1 to 4

1. Egg butter + yogurt mixed mixed evenly

2. After the butter is dissolved in the water, it is slowly poured into the yogurt paste while it is hot, and it is heated on both sides.

3. Low-fat flour and cornstarch are poured after sieving.

4. Stir the dough evenly and set aside the spare.

Steps 5 to 8

5. Protein + a few drops of lemon juice, use an egg beater to beat the protein to a thick fish eye bubble, add 1/3 of fine sugar.

6. When the protein is slightly thickened and becomes a fine foam, add 1/3 sugar.

7. Continue stirring until the protein is thicker, and when the surface is patterned, pour all the remaining sugar into it.

8. Continue beating for a while, until the protein is moist and dry, and when the egg beater is raised, the protein can pull out the small pointed corners, which indicates that it has been beaten.

Steps 9 to 12

9. (The protein doesn't have to be beaten too hard, otherwise the finished taste will be a little dry)

10. Pour 1/3 of the protein into the egg yolk paste: gently stir evenly (stir from the bottom up, do not stir in circles so that the protein does not dissolve)

11. Pour all the diluted yogurt into the remaining protein paste and stir evenly.

12. The inside of the mold is coated with oil or coated with oil paper, poured into a mixture of dough (the outside of the mold is covered with tin paper), shaken off the air bubbles, hot water is poured into the oven (in 2/3 of the mold), the oven is preheated, medium water bath method, about 60 minutes.

13. After cooking, there is no need to turn it upside down, you can eat it directly, or after cooling at room temperature, cover it with a preservative film and refrigerate it overnight for a better taste.


Handy cooking tips

  I refrigerated it for a night and then cut it up and ate it, and it tasted better.The cream in the recipe is not recommended to replace with milk, I tried milk, but the taste is very different, with the addition of cream, the taste is more like cheese cake, but also more moisturizing.Yoghurt in the square.I use homemade ones, and if I choose to sell them on the market, I recommend that the thicker the better, the stronger the taste.